Moving in

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             |Kazuichi POV|
the day was now over, classes would be starting soon. Mr. Monokuma gave all of us our dorm room numbers, looks like I'm on the second floor. Grabbed my bags and walked to the elevator but... god, my mind still wasn't in the right place. Why was Gundham such an asshole, I never did anything to him but he just *HAD* to rub in how he already befriended Princess Sonia as if it were nothing! And that stupid dungeons and dragons dialogue he spouted, he's lucky we went to middle school together or no one here would know what the fuck he was ever talking about. He thinks he's so fucking cool with that Harry Potter ass birthmark, and that stupid fucking scarf! And that stupid way his hair parted down the middle when he wore it down... or his strangely beautiful and soft skin despite its gray color...

Fuck, what am I talking about? I hate this asshole, I've always hated him, since middle school... we grew up so close to each other yet he always seemed far away strangely. That freak is always in some other world... dad always warned me to "never talk to weird ass kids like that" or else I'd "catch the autism"... whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean-

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw my name on a plaque on the door... fancy, way too fancy for me... this has to be a mistake it still doesn't feel real that I'm actually allowed to be here-
"Oh Soda! It looks like we're neighbors!" I heard Chihiro's voice, I whipped my head around and saw him moving his stuff into the dorm across from me.
"Oh hey dude!" I wave smiling as I walk over to him "you need any help with that?"
He grunted in exhaustion as he dropped a box onto the floor of his room
"N-no thanks I'm good man" he panted and smiled giving me a thumbs up
"Ok, just holler if you need anything" I look into the hallway and around to see who else was on this floor "you know anyone else we're close to?"
He hummed "well- I know Chiaki is a few doors down. As well as this dude Mondo, I don't think you know him... b-but he's pretty cool-" I saw him scratching the back of his head blushing "he offered to be my personal trainer, y-y'know so I can bulk up"
I couldn't help but laugh a little bit "really? I mean no offense but you're kinda tiny-"
"Y-yeah!" He yelled in response "but that doesn't mean I gotta be all scrawny-"
I laughed again "whatever man, good luck" I step out of the room and look around. Chiaki was talking to some boring looking brunette guy in the room next to her. I looked at the room next to me, a chick with silver hair and glasses? Talking to some little blonde dude. WOAH! The chick moving in to the room right of me has some crazy hair, looks like she's got a ton of instruments and musical equipment, Jesus those amps are massive, Ooh maybe she'll let me fix one if they break!

I walked back to my dorm and brought my luggage in, seeing everyone else have brought so much stuff with them while I had a luggage of clothes and a backpack of tools just made me feel even smaller than I already did... ah whatever, maybe it won't be so bad, I mean... the people I'm near seem cool at least.

           |Gundham POV|
I made my way to my domain once nightfall came. I took my bags up the elevator while holding my Deva's ever so close to my chest, I could sense they were nervous... as was I, what if the people I live near are loud... what if they don't like animals... what if they don't like me? Mortal soda already dislikes me... but for reasons I know not why... I do not know how I invited his wrath but I wish I could undo it... I can sense him... he's hurt, he's a lost soul... I feel compelled to guide him...
I swallowed my anxiety and made my way to the room decorated with my name engraved in gold on its face. I set my bags inside and brought my Devas' cage outside to get a feel for who was nearby
"Gundham!" I heard a voice comparable to that of a siren's song belt out, when I turned my head it was simply the princess from before, in the dorm next to mine... good, I was worried I might not run into her again...
"Ah, dark princess Sonia! How pleasant it is to once again make your acquaintance!" I smile proudly
"Oh Gundham I'm so sorry for running off earlier... I- I got scared by Junko and-"
"HAHAHA! Fret not woman! I do not hold your cowardice against you, most inexperienced adventurers would cower at the presence of such a demonic being!"
My exclamation was simply met by a giggle from her "Gundham you're so funny-" she covered her mouth while laughing "well... most do laugh at how I talk yes..." I sighed and looked around the hallway once more "are you familiar with anybody here?" I tilt my head
"Hmm... oh! Taka! He's the boy who stood up for you when Junko was picking on you. I think he's helping a friend move in though"
Could she be referring to the eyebrow man from the gym?
"the school's nurse is also on this floor in case you have an emergency, she moved in near them" she pointed a few doors down from my room where I saw a... very loud, very, passionate mortal
"Cmon! You gotta fight me some time! Big girl like you I bet you pack a mean punch!" What? This tall tanned woman is trying to pick a fight already
"Akane! You will not start fights before the school year has even began!" Great, the man was loud too... he was an impressive mortal though. His booming voice and demeanor, he looked like a JoJo character.
"Miss Akane, I will not fight you, especially for no reason"
Oh my, that woman was quite large, and her body looked damaged, battle scars? Was I looking at a warrior, perhaps a barbarian of sorts! And her voice was demanding, yet calm... maybe her I could actually get along with
"Cmon Aoi, I'll help you move in"
"Thanks Sakura!"
She walked away with another tanned woman, this one was noticeably shorter and calmer than the one referred to as "Akane"
Wait- why is she looking at me
"Woah! Nekomaru look, this kid brought Hamsters!" The woman suddenly raced over to me as I felt my body tense up, I clutched their cage tightly as I stepped back nervously
"T-they are no mere hamsters you foolish woman! These are my four dark devas of destruction!"
"Hmm..." she looked at them puzzled "don't think I've ever heard of that breed before"

... oh, she's an idiot
"No-" I sigh "ok, two of them are dwarf hamsters, one is a Syrian and one is roborovski" I pointed at all of them accordingly
"Woah! Cool I love hamsters! Used to have some when I was little, they never lasted long though"
"You probably weren't a very good caretaker for them then..." I mumbled
"Hehe, yeah probably" she held her hand out "Akane! Akane Owari!"
I nervously lifted my hand and pinched her index finger, not wanting to fully shake her hand
"Gundham... Tanaka"
She laughed and grabbed my hand by force anyways, lovely
"Oh! And this hunk of meat is Nekomaru Nidai!" She pointed at the hulking man beside her
He smiled at me and nodded "It's wonderful to meet you Tanaka! I hope we can be great friends!"
He seemed... not awful... I could see myself tolerating him, especially if it meant I could use his muscle

I looked behind them at Sonia who was moving things into her room. I sighed and looked at them
"Well, it was certainly interesting meeting you two... but if you don't mind I'd like to get back to moving in please"
They nodded seeming to understand and walked away "See you later!" They seemed to say in unison
I walked over to Sonia and smiled "Princess! If you'd ever like to contact me but we aren't at our residences... you may contact me on this number!" I handed her a small index card with my phone number on it. She smiled and put it in her pocket
"Thank you Gundham"
"No problem! Now, if I may be excused, me and my minions are tired. We require rest. Good night Sonia!"
She smiled and laughed "goodnight Gundham"

As I returned to my room and climbed into bed, setting my Devas' cage on the night stand I sat and wondered... would this... could this be, a nice experience?

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 10 ⏰

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