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"hey you two.." autumn was puzzled "what have you been doing together... nothing inapropriate i hope" shes giggled.

"oh shut up autumn. we are in a relationship" reece said slightly angrily but with a cheeky smile.

"REECE! well done for keeping our relationship a secret that lasted 5 minues. yes autumn we are together, and no we havent being doing yk what." marjorie was annoyed with reece.

autumn laughed. and they all waited for everyone to come in. marjorie and autumn sat at a table. reece and winter stood on the bar. jodie, char, sorscha, carly and clodagh were on the dance floor. they hired out a private room so it was going to be a good night


       at autumn and marjories table

"so marjorie, how is it with my brother? i hope hes not driving you insane already." autumn smirked.

"no actually, hes been incredibally romantic. yesterday night we were dancing and baking and the night before we watched titantic and i cried."

"i saw kenny mooching around the nursery yesterday." autumn said.

marjories face dropped. hearing the name made marjorie feel physically sick. she hated him. she had to tell autumn.

"marjorie, are you okay?" autumn looked concered. something was going on.

"well autumn yesterday kenny was stood outside my house. i went outside to tell him to move. but he kept refering to me as sweetheart and darling. and then when i said stop he started touching me. i dont know wether im over thinking it but whatever you do dont tell reece. he will kill him and i cant live alone again." marjorie finally spoke up.

"oh my god marjorie im gunna kill him. thats not okay. you need to tell reece." autumn did the glare.

"autumn i cant. come on lets just get drunk and forget about it." marjorie regretted telling her.

"okay. but if this happens again tell me." autumn was serious she did not want her best friend and colleague getting hurt.

they got drunk and when on the dancefloor. they started just dance..


they all spun a bottle and whoevers name it landed on had to pick someone else to do a just dance with. unless they wanted to do a solo. they all chanted as the bottle spun. it landed on carly.

"omg! omg! im going to do a two perosn one!! me and reece" carly jumped for joy.

marjorie and autumn bursted out laughing watching reece dance to 'timber' by kesha with carly. he was really getting groovy to it. him and carly were the ultimate dad daughter duo.

then they spun the bottle again. this time it landed on reece. he chose marjorie to do 'careless whisper' by george michael. the song summed them up perfectly. everyone was hyping them up.

"oh god" marjorie said

marjorie was laughing. she was only 2 wine glasses done and she was already tipsy. god she was a lightweight.

suprisingly reece was very good at it. maybe it was because he was on his 5th pint already!. but we all knew he was a softie for just dance. next to dance was autumn. she picked to do a duo with winter to 'wake me up inside'. sums them up perfectly. and then, winter stood up and shouted

"put on rasputin!!"

by this point he was incredbily drunk, and started showing off to autumn his dancing skills. everyone chanted 'hey! hey! hey!' just encouraging him even more! marjorie did a solo to 'on the floor' by jennifer lopez and pitbull. and god marjorie ate. reece was impressed, to say the least. the final solo was jodie. she did 'call me maybe' by carly-rae jepson. despite being almost useless at everything. she was amazing at just dance and served.

jodie, sorscha, char and carly did whip, nae nae. jodie obviously chose and she ate it up. and for the final 4 person dance was marjories choice. it was marj, aut, carly and char. this time, they did 'hit me baby one more time' since marjorie was the biggest britney stan.

after all that dancing they were all knackered. everyone sat down and just gosspied. charlotte was the only one sober. she was like the mum of the group. if anyone did something stupid she would stop them. the whole night she had only had one glass of wine. and lots and lots of lemonade.

marjorie rested her head on reeces shoulder. everyone thought it was the cutest thing ever but marjorie didnt know why they were all so fussed over them. autumn and winter werent there. they were in the disabled toilet making out. just like thr halloween party.

jodie had only had lemonade, but everyone told her it was white wine. she was walking around hammered on lemonade. god knows what would happen if she had real wine.

carly swore down she hadnt drunk. however every so often reeces wine would go missing. and so would carly.. so it was obvious.


by 1am reece had sobered up, somehow. he ate alot to try and process the alchol quicker. he too made out he drunk alot but every so often he just bought lemonade incase carly would steal it.

he held marjories hand, who (other than charlotte had drunk the least) and walked her back to there house.


reece laughed. he knew she was definitely drunk if she was calling him reecey.

"what darling" he smirked.

"i love you reecey" marjorie said whilst stumbling.

"come on lets get you home." reece gripped her hand. he didnt want her doing anything stupid.


they got to the house and slept on the sofa. marjorie just passed out the second she shut her eyes. she was exhausted. and so was reece. not from drinking. but from listening to marjories drunken bullshit on the way home. he knew she had only had around 5 glasses. in contrast, autumn had 5 bottles of wine and only slightly showed she was drunk.. thank god tommrow was sunday..


1000 words ♡

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