23 - the finale ♡

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the 5 set off on the journey, that if pulled off could change there lives. in the front, reece drove with marjorie as his passenger princess. whenever reece drove, he placed his hand on marjories thigh. just to remind her he was there.

in the back was char, mia and autumn. charlotte was sat behind reece, next to the window. mia sat in the middle cuddling up to charlotte. and last but not least, autumn sat behind marjorie. she wasnt best pleased to be sat next to the lovey-dovey couple. but where else was she going to sit, the roof?!?!

every so often, marjorie turned to look at autumn. everytime marge glanced, aut was sat arms folded, side-eyeing mia. but no matter what, she always had an angry face. marjorie just couldnt help let out a chuckle at autumn, and when reece saw her, he almost burst out laughing.

after 30 minutes, since rogers office was in the city centre, they were there. funnily enough, his office was only across the road from reeces house.

reece parked in his parking space at the apartment block and the gang all hopped out.

"lets do this." charlotte said.

to be totally honest, char was only there for the shits and giggles. that, and of course, she wanted to watch mia absolutely devour roger.

there was security on the ground floor. reece was about to talk to them, when mia and autumn shoved the security staff over and went into the lift (elevator).

his office was the top floor, and 100% the largest by a mile. roger was sat at the desk. he was quite frankley shocked.


"im sorry but who are yo- REECE?! AUTUMN? MARJORIE?!?! .... MIA!?! WHAT THE FUCK." roger gasped.

charlotte laughed. she was using his coffee machine.

"daddy dearest. oh how you have messed up." mia started by saying.

"oh yes. we have the papers to ruin your career." autumn added.

"aye? i dont care if you ruin my career. i wi still have my fortune." roger chuckled, thinking they had not thought about that.

"oh dad you really think we didnt think about that." reece said.


"oh yes, roger. if we decide to hand our evidence to the police, you will not only loose the fraudulent money you have. but the business, and you will end up with a hefty prison sentence." marjorie said.

"go on then. call the police i dare you. you would never. mutton chops wouldnt dare." roger smirked.

"dont think i wont" autumn said, with a serious face.

autumn picked up the phone and called 999.

roger ran at her, but mia got him down to the ground. to this, charlotte bit her lip.

autumn had a long call with 999. and within 10 minutes they came. charlotte handed them the files, since the others may have thrown hands.

and just like that, roger was taken away. not just taken away, but dragged out in handcuffs. then, an officer approached.

"hello guys. is reece and autumn knight here." the officer asked.

"yes, thats us" reece said pointing to autumn.

"can you follow me one second, dont worry its nothing bad. infact, this will be good news." the officer said.

the siblings followed, hoping this was the convosation they were hoping for...


they had been talking for 20 minutes. in this time, marjorie had sat on a sofa, and mia took char to make out somewhere.

marjorie sat in total silence. it was hard to comprehend what they had done. if she was correct, in theory reece now owned the nursery. this wasnt confirmed, but she was sure of it. all of a sudden, reece appeared out of no where. both him and autumn had large grins on there faces. they had done it.

"please tell me its what i think it is" marjorie said.

"oh yes darling" reece said, opening his arms.

marjorie ran into his arms, hugging him tight. autumn stood, and just smiled. she was slightly jealous winter wasnt there..


"where on earth is mia and charlotte" autumn asked.

"making out somewhere." marjorie laughed.


"autumn, can i ask just one thing. you dont have to say yes." marjorie smiled.

"what.?" autumn looked perplexed.

"can i have a hug. i mean you are now joint owner of the nursery. i mean i know you hate hugs but i just want to ask-" marjorie said, being interupted.

autumn just hugged marjorie. ahe hated every second of it, but aut knew marjorie didnt. and that is all that mattered.


around an hour later, it was just reece, marjorie and autumn going back to the nursery. mia decided it wouls be best for char and her just to go back home. when they got to the nursery, a large crowd was there. they all knew of the amazing achievement that had happened.

in that moment, it had only just hit marjorie what they had done. they had overthrown the tyranical owner!

reece opened marjories door, and autumn hopped out from the back. since it was 7:30, all children had gone. autumn ran to winter and kissed him. carly ran to marge and reece and hugged them. the way you would hug your mum and dad.

"i cant believe what you have done!!" carly said.

"neither can i." reece said.


after everyone had gone, reece and marjorie stood in the carpark. just looking at the nursery. as they looked at their nursery. reece held marjorie hand and pulled her closer. they kissed and kissed. how far they had come. for overcoming being broken up, getting rid of a stalker and most importantly owning the nursery company.

alot was coming up in the future. and this was only the beginning...



i cant believe ive finally finished it! but dont worry. im coming out with a new book asap. i hope you enjoyed his book, and if yall want in the future i may do a sequel....

the new book is a wintumn book.

1003 words ♡

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