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DISCLAIMER: i forgot to mention this previously cos basically i forgot lol. this is set when they are in there twenties!!


they both headed into the house.

"whats the most important thing you need, sweetheart" reece smiled.

"clothes, makeup and some others bits. the rest we can either sell or get another day."

"okay darling, i will help grab stuff."

reece helped marjorie get the stuff. she got all of her clothes, her makeup, all her hair things. by the time they had bagged those up it was 5pm, home time. marge and reece headed into the car.

"you feeling okay?" reece said.

"yes, ive just lived in this house for ever now and to be moving out is strange. but it is for the better."

marjorie really loved reeces house. i mean, it was her dream home. but leaving the house she has spent the highs and lows in really was strange. however, it was for the better. now, she was away from kenny, and that was all that mattered.

they drove for around 20 minutes until reece pulled up in a parking space. they were about 5 minutes away from reeces house, however majorie wanted to have a walk around in the city.

the pair walked around for a while. first going into JD, H & M and finally getting a coffee in coffee #1 (ifykyk). marjorie bought an iced coffee, and reece bought a cappuchino.

"marjorie, i need to pop into this shop to get something for my cousins sons."

"okay darling, i will wait in the car" marjorie smiled, kissed reece on the cheek and walked off.

the store was a gift shop. there main seller was jellycats.

when reece first began dating marjorie, he walked past this shop and knew he needed to get one for marjorie. he saw how cute the teddies were, his face lit up.

he first looked at the bouqet of flowers and smiled. then he saw the price, £40:00! then again, he wanted to get something special for marjorie. then he saw a bunny holding a heart. reece loved it. he knew he had to act like a big, tough man but deep down he was a big softie. the bunny was £23.00, so not overly expensive. and finally, he bought 2 little red hearts for £30.00 altogether. overall, he spent £93.00, reece was shocked at how much a teddy could be but he could not wait too see marjories reaction.

after paying, he headed back to the car.

"hey you, what did you get for your cousins sons?" marjorie asked.

"just some cute little toys" reece smirked.


they drove for 5 minutes, into the city centre to reeces apartment. reece carried in the gift bag, and the biggest bags. marjorie held the littler bags. whilst marjorie was taking the clothes to her room, reece placed the bouqet, the bunny and the heart next to a card reece wrote himself. he wrote:

'dear marjorie,

thank you so much for moving in,
i know how hard this must be for
you, so i bought you a little something.
me and you have the same heart,
so whenever you are sad remember
the heart will always bring us
together. even when we are apart.

love from,
reece ♡'

he placed the card on the table and called marjorie down.

"marjorie, can you come down here. there is something i wanna show you."

marjorie came down and reece told her there was something funny in the kitchen. when she entered, there was a note wih her name on. next to the note was the jellycats.

"oh my god reece what is this"

"i bought you a little something, since you are moving in i didnt want you too feel not at home" reece smiled.

marjorie read the note and her eyes filled with tears.

"reece this is the cutest thing i have ever seen."

reece smiled sgsin, blushing. then, he pulled out the red heart from his pocmet and held it.

"reece stop in going to cry i love you so much." marjorie hugged him.


they sat at the breakfast bar bit and looked at the teddies.

"reece i love the bunny. awhh and the heart it is holding. i actually love you so much. oh god and the flowers!! they sre so cute!!" marjorie was so overwhelmed she just couldnt believe how nice he was.

"i would normally buy a real bouquet but i wanted the flowers too last forever so i bought this version." reece grinned.

"you are the most romantic man i have ever been with. i love you." marjorie kissed reece on the neck.

"shall we get started on dinner love" reece smiled.

"shall we make heart pizzas!! since we are being all lovey dovey today i think it would be cute" marjorie got all giddy.

"okay darling. i have some roll out pizzs dough if you wanna use that" reece smiled

"yes, yes, yes!! lets get started" marjorie jumped up.

reece got the tomatoe sauce, cheese, basil, pepperoni, pinapple and ham.

"reece why on earth have you brought out pineapple..?" marjorie laughed

"because! its good on pizza"

"hmmm... whatever you say" marjorie laughed.

marjorie made a pepperoni pizza, with cheese, sundried tomatoes and basil. reece made a ham and pineapple pizza, also with basil. they took around 15 minutes too cook, and then they were ready. marjorie went to sit down this time on the bed, but first she placed the teddies on the side.

"ready for yur pizza, darling!" reece smiled.

"of course" marjorie laughed

for the rest of their night they laid on the bed giggling and watching tv. tonight they began watching superstore as they wanted to watch somehing funny.

the pizzas were delicious. and the show was good aswell.

amongst all of the drama reece really knew how to make her smile. throughout the good and bad he was there for her. marjorie was so happy with the things he bought her. she just couldnt believe how action packed the day was. at the start, she was being stalked. and by 8pm, she was moved into her new house with the man she loved. the future was going to be exciting. the last thing marjorie said before bed was:

"well done for eating, my love"


1052 words ♡

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