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                    ONE DAY LATER:

marjorie and reece had just arrived home, after there break had been cut short by non other than rodger knight. by this point, they had juat arrived back at the nursery.


the pair headed to reeces nursery, since rodgers office was there. reece held marjories hand and they walked into the building.

"do you think everythings okay reece?" marjorie smiled, trying to be optimistic.

"yes love, im sure its all fine. maybe there has just been a some like sickness outbreak or something" reece tried to make marjorie worry less.

in reality he was, in nicest possible terms, shitting himself about the fact his father called sounding so sinister. the last time he did that, his sister moved out of the family home. he hoped this time at least marjorie would be safe from his fathers sharp tounge.

the couple headed in. to there suprise, there stood autumn. she lookee nervous, but her being there comforted marjorie. especially because it was her father too.


roger smirked. he couldnt wait to tell them something that would break. their. hearts.

"i have called you here today as i have reports of inappropriate behaviours in the work place." roger said.

"aye?" marjorie said.

"dad what are you talking about." reece said

autumn stayed quiet. as much as she hated her father, she hated argueing with him. it reminded her of the rocky childhood she had.

"well, i have reports of you and marjorie flirting on work time and work property." roger smirked.

"okay..? your point is?" reece said.

autumn moved in closer to marjorie. she knew exactly what was coming. roger had done this with staff before, but never ever with any of his relatives. reece however, was oblivious. he just assumed they were getting warned.

"my point is. this behaviour is unacceptable." the owner said.

"yeah yeah okay we wont do it again. sorry, can we go now.?" marjorie said.

"hmmmm.... no." rusty roger said, smiling with a sinister glint in his eye.

"oh good god father." autumn muttered under her breath.

she clasped marjories hand. aut hated physicslly contact. but this was necesarry since what marjorie was going to her could make her loose it, or break down.

the penny had dropped to reece. this had happened before, he had watched it. the amount of families his father had split up was imense. and the guilt was never there. roger always just laughed as people argued back at him. reece was determined to not let what roger said get in between them.

marjorie had no idea what was happening. unlike the others, she had little experience with rogers true side. she had worked with him for over 10 years, yet his personality at work was all an act. she just believed they werent allowed to talk during work time. little did she know, this was much much more sinister.


"well.. i am saying this with all the kindness out of my heart." roger smiled.

"well that cant be much then" autumn added.

"shush now, muttonchops. i have heard quitw enough. anyway. if you two do not breakup, you will not only be fired. but suspeneded from working in childcare EVER AGAIN." roger did an evil laugh.

"father that is too far." autumn said.

"who do you think you are." marjorie said.

"oh be quiet marge. im going to leave you to think about it. you have exactly one hour." roger snickered.


marjorie sat down, tears filled her eyes. she tried to prepare herself for the worst, yet this is even worse than what she thought.

"marjorie i cant believe this is happening. i hate my dad so much" he hugged marjorie.

autumn stood thinking. not about marjorie and reece, but on how to take over the nursery so they didnt have to break up. she knew what to do. but it would involve a certain someone she disliked, alot.

"i know how to solve this." autumn stood up.

marjorie and reece looked up. marge was in reeces arms sobbing.

"what?" marjorie said, wiping her eyes.

"we need to take over the nursery. and i know how." autumn spoke up

reece looked at autumn. in his eyes, she may as well have suggested them to grow wins and fly away. little did he know how this was possible to save his relationship.

marjorie was so overwhelmed. but any chance to save the relationship with the love of her life. she took. she needed to be with reece. life without reece would be awful. unimaginable.

"aut, how on earth are we going to do that?" reece said.

"get mia. she knows the code to the vault. this has all fathers assets. and the documents to owning the nursery. i believe it is possible. i mean what is father going to do. he has multiple fraud cases to his name. we will be favoured. especially with reeces financial strength.  we can win, and this would not only bankurpt father. it will ruin his reputation. we will gain tremendously. i have always thought about taking over 'the knight nursery." autumn knew she had shocked reece.

"okay aut. i trust you. lets phone mia now" reece said.

marjories face lit up. they could do this. she could stay with the love of her life, and ruin the reputation of an awful, awful man.

then, there was a knock at the door.

"i heard the conversation, autumn. and dont worry. i have the code to the vault." mia grinned, holding chars hand.


ooh cliff hangerr

923 words ♡

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