Chapter 1 ✲♡

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Rose's Pov-

My name is Rose Evangeline Montgomery and I am 18 years old, I am the oldest sibling out of Montgomery's it goes Me, Aria and Mike. I am dating Noel Khan and we've been together for 4 years it's been an eventful time we broke up once but got back together and now we have a 3 and half-year-old, having our beautiful crazy Daisy Marie Kahn was one of the scariest times, we were only 16 when it happened.

My phone buzzed and I knew the two minutes were up. I had taken a pregnancy test and was anxiously awaiting the result. I took a deep breath and looked at the test in my hand. My heart sank as I saw the positive result. I couldn't believe it - this was not what I had planned at all. I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. I leaned against the bathroom door, feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Tears streamed down my face as I whispered to myself, "This can't be true, not right now." I was shaking with nerves, and my stomach was in knots. I put the pregnancy test in my bag and washed my face with cold water, trying to calm down and collect my thoughts.

After taking a few deep breaths, I decided to go find my mum. She worked at the school, so I headed there, hoping to find her alone. When I found her, I knocked on the door and said, "Mum?" She looked up from her work and asked if I was okay. I tried my best to hold back the tears, but I couldn't keep it in any longer. I broke down and cried, feeling scared and alone. My mum hugged me and asked what was wrong. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself before telling her about the positive pregnancy test. "I'm pregnant," I said as tears streamed down my face. "Wh-what?" my mother stammered. I take a deep breath and muster up the courage to speak. "I'm so sorry, Mum," I say, my voice quivering slightly. I can feel the weight of her disappointment in me and it makes me feel even worse. However, I know that my mum can usually sense how scared I am in situations. Despite her disappointment, I can tell that she's also concerned for my well-being. I take another deep breath and try to steady myself. After a couple of minutes of silence, my mother spoke up. She said, "Rose, my dear, I want you to know that despite being concerned and upset about this situation, I love you and will always support you. I'll also be there for you when you tell the rest of the family." Tears streamed down my face as I broke down, overwhelmed by emotions. My mom, who was sitting beside me, immediately pulled me into a tight embrace. A few moments later, the door opened, and Aria, my sister, walked in.

She looked at me with concern and asked, "Oh, Rose, what's wrong?" Her voice was gentle and soothing, which made me feel a little better. However, before I could respond, my mom interrupted and said, "Don't worry, Aria. You'll find out later with the rest of the family." I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I knew that whatever was going to happen, I had my family's support. '' Umm okay.'' That is all Aria said. Then the Bell rang. I cleared my tears and took deep breaths ''Mum I'm sorry and I love you but before I tell the family I need to tell Noel'' Mum just nodded in agreement.

As I left the classroom I bumped into someone and I could instantly tell it was Noel. I looked up and saw his piercing blue eyes look into my brown ones. '' Well hello there love'' Noel says. '' Hello you'' I say. '' Rose baby what's wrong?'' Noel says I knew I had to tell him. '' Noel can we go somewhere and talk for a second please this is important, Noel just nodded. We entered an empty room. '' Noel before I tell you what I'm about to say just know you are one of the best things to happen to me and that I love you very deeply'' I say taking a deep breath in... As I look at Noel, I take a deep breath and say, "I...I'm pregnant. I found out an hour ago." The weight of my words hangs in the air as Noel's eyes widen in shock. "Wait, what?" he stammers, clearly taken aback by the news.

Feeling overwhelmed, I can't bring myself to say it again, so I reach for the small plastic stick in my bag and hand it to him. Noel takes the pregnancy test and examines it closely, still in disbelief. As we both digest the news, a million thoughts race through my mind. How will we afford this? Are we ready to be parents? What will our families think? Despite the uncertainty, I can't help but feel a glimmer of excitement at the thought of starting a family with the person I love.

After a couple of minutes, Noel comes up to me and kisses me '' Rose Evangeline Montgomery I love you so much and I'm going to stand by you and we will figure this out'' Those words made my heart melt. '' I already told my mum as I needed her...'' Noel asked me how it went and I explained everything and how I'm telling the rest of them after school. '' I want to be there'' Noel says ''Okay let's do this. I love you so much Noel'' We then kissed and headed to class we had the same class with Ezra Fitz.

After a long day at school, my boyfriend Noel and I headed to my house. As we walked in, my parents greeted us warmly, and we settled into the living room. We were expecting Aira and Mike, our family friends, to arrive soon. As we waited, I couldn't help but feel anxious about the news I was about to share. Noel held my hand tightly, trying to calm my nerves. My mom noticed my unease and gave me a gentle smile of encouragement.

When Aira and Mike arrived, we all sat down, and I took a deep breath. "Rose, what's going on?" Mike asked, noticing the tension in the room. Finally, I mustered the courage to speak. "Well, I'm pregnant." I said, my voice shaking slightly. The room fell silent as my dad processed the news. My mom looked at me, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and understanding. Aira came over and gave me a warm hug, while Mike asked me how I was feeling. Though I was nervous, I felt relieved to have shared the news and grateful for the support of my loved ones. I waited for a fight to break out between Mike and Noel but instead, Mike shook Noel's hand, and Aria smiled at Noel. It was My dad's response that shocked us. '' Congratulations'' I was in such disbelief My mum even looked shocked. dad hugged me. ''I love you, Rose, and we will support you and Noel as a family'' After I told everyone I felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I headed upstairs as I was exhausted after this day. Noel was about to follow until My parents told him to stay. '' I'll see you in a bit'' Noel says.

''Noel, we need to know that you will be there for Rose'' Dad says. '' Mr and Mrs Montgomery I love your daughter so much I will do everything in my power to protect her and my child, I promise to stand by your daughter and be there whenever she needs me and I'll be there for my child.'' Noel says smiling. ''Noel you're part of the family call us Byron and Ella please'' Mum says smiling. Noel nodded and headed upstairs to my room. Noel saw me asleep and snaked his arm around me and for the first time in a long time I felt safe and now my life was about to change.

Noel's Pov

The moment I found out Rose was pregnant my whole world stopped for a moment and then a mix of emotions overfilled me. I didn't know what was going to happen but I did know I loved her with all my heart and I wanted to be there for her and my kid. Rose told me she already told her Mum and how she reacted. After school, we went and told the rest of the family and that went better than I thought, Her dad congratulated us, and so Did Mike and Aria, eventually Rose went upstairs as she was exhausted before I left to go up to her parents asked me that they needed to know I'll be there and I made my promise I now can call them Byron and Ella, and then I headed upstairs to find the love of my life and soon to be the mother of my child fast asleep so I snaked my hand around her and snuggled into her thinking about how my life was about to change.

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