Chapter 4 ✲♡

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After the news of Noel and my pregnancy spread, many people congratulated us. Although we had encountered some minor issues, we were happy and excited about our growing family.

One day, while I was out, I bumped into Mona, Noel's ex-girlfriend, who congratulated me and then asked me about Mike's behavior. She had a strange look in her eyes, which made me feel uneasy. I told her that I didn't think Mike had been acting strangely, and I walked away.

As I walked, I met Aria, who asked me about my conversation with Mona. I told her what had happened, and she said that Mike had indeed been acting a little odd lately. I attributed his behavior to my parents' marital issues, which had been causing some tension in the family.

Later that day, I had a midwife appointment at the doctor's office, and Noel accompanied me. As we waited, I felt nervous, and my mind was filled with questions and doubts. Suddenly, I felt Noel's hand on my leg, which made me jump. He apologized and gave me a kiss on the forehead. His presence made me feel better and more relaxed.

Finally, the nurse called my name, and we went into the examination room together. The nurse performed an ultrasound to determine the baby's gestational age, and I sat on the bed, holding Noel's hand. The nurse applied gel to my belly, which was surprisingly cold. I flinched, not expecting it to be that cold.

As the nurse moved the ultrasound wand around my belly, we heard the baby's strong heartbeat. It was a magical moment, and we both looked at each other with tearful eyes. The nurse then informed us that I was exactly 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant with a healthy baby. She turned the ultrasound screen around so that we could see our little bean. We were both speechless and amazed at the sight of our baby.

Noel had a little tear in his eye and then smiled, saying, "That's our baby." I smiled back and said, "I love you and little bean." '' I love you both so much'' Noel says. After the appointment, we headed home, feeling grateful and blessed.

As we stepped inside the room, I couldn't help but notice the sudden shift in atmosphere. It was like the air had become charged with an unspoken tension. Just then, Noel turned around to face me and said, "I've got practice. I'll see you later." He then leaned in and kissed me on the forehead before heading out the door. As I watched him leave, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. '' As I approach my dad, I hear his voice call out, "Rose is that you?" I recognize the warmth and familiarity in his tone and respond, "Yes dad, it's me." The sound of his voice soothes me and I feel a sense of comfort wash over me Dad asked me how my appointment with the doctor went. I replied with a smile, telling him that everything went alright and that the doctor confirmed that my baby is healthy and growing well. Dad gave me a warm smile.
Just then Mike and Mum come home. Once we all caught up on how our days was we all did our own thing.  Aria arrived home.  Mike wasn't  the only one  acting suspicious. I felt like Aria was as well "Where have you been?" I asked.  "With the girls." aria says. I didn't believe her. I know something is up with my siblings and I will find out one way or another.

Pretty Little Liars/The story of Rose and Noel.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon