Chapter 3 ✲♡

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As I was on my way home from school early due to the pregnancy catching up with me I never got home something or someone knocked me out.

I woke up in a panic as I didn't know what happened and I was scared. I looked at my phone and saw 10 missed calls from Mum, Mike , Aria , Noel and the girls. I then saw the time and saw it said 6 at night.  How long was I out for? What happened? Who did this? Or what did this? Why? I had about a million questions going through my head. Just then my phone vibrated. I looked and saw a text.

That was close, you're lucky I didn't hurt you and your baby next time I will - A

I couldn't believe my eyes how does A know? That bitch knows everything. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Alison has been missing for a year before they found her body. At her funeral thats when we found out all of us had received some form of A text messages and it's been hell ever since.

I eventually left where ever I was and made it home. To find everyone waiting for me. "Omg Rose where were you?" Everyone shouted at once. I just brushed past everyone and made it to my room. Just then I heard a knock, "I'll be out in a minute Mum" I say. "Rose it's me Noel" I take a deep breath. He looks at me and I brake down he catches me and embraces me. Noel knows about A so I showed him the text and I've never seen him look scared. Just then Aria comes in. "Rose, oh sorry" "no it's okay. I need to show you something" I showed Aria the text her face dropped. I think I need to tell the girls before A does.

Aria and Noel look at each other with a look of surprise. "If you want to then we will support you" Aria says smiling. "Yeah whenever you're ready". "Can you get them to come up now?" I say taking a deep breath. Aria got the rest of the girls to come up.

"What happened" Hanna says.
"Are you okay?" Emily says.
"Yeah you've been off with us. We know something is up" Spencer says crossing her arm. I look at Aria and Noel and they nod. I take a deep breath again. "I'm... I'm sorry I never told you girls before but... I'm pregnant". Silence fell almost like you could hear a pin drop. Until Spencer spoke up "omg you're going to have a little one" I nod. Spencer hugged me. "Congratulations. Couldn't be happier for you" Emily says and hugs me. "Noel you better promise me now that you'll look after Rose and your beautiful little blessing" Hanna says. I chuckled a little. "You don't have to worry I made that promise already and I will promise that I will continue to stand by Rose and protect my family." Noel says. Hanna gives me hug. I felt so much joy and love. I felt like a weight had been lifted.

This child will always be loved and protected not just by their parents but by their Aunts and Uncles and grandparents. My heart is so full right now.

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