Chapter Forty-Nine: Glory Paradise

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Glory was worried.

This was for a reason that really should have been obvious, but apparently, it wasn't.

"Kinkajou is missing!" Glory shrieked. "How can you not be worried?!"

Clay shrugged. "She can take care of herself. She probably just went to the library."

"Kinkajou?" Starflight asked skeptically. "In the library?"

"Also . . . she disappeared yesterday," Glory said. "Other than Starflight, who stays in the library overnight?"

Clay shot them both a look that Glory interpreted as an Oh, you're right, but don't tell Glory that look.

"Not to mention that Tsunami's gone too," Riptide said quietly.

"So is Swordtail," Luna said, sounding annoyed they'd forgotten. Glory completely understood; if he were her, he'd be mad too. Maybe even more mad than if her sister

"As are Winter and Qibli," Moon added.

"And Peril," Clay put in.

"Wow," Starflight said. "That's everyone who responded to Qibli's call for help."

"Oh wow," Glory said sarcastically. "We had no idea. It's not like we all heard the call too, and then noticed that the people missing were the ones who went to help him!"

Sunny sighed. "Be nice, Glory."

"You realize that's literally impossible?" Glory asked. "I'm never nice."

"You are sometimes," Sunny said, optimistically in Turtle's view.

Glory scowled at her.

"Guys," Moon interrupted tiredly. "Can we talk about where they are and how to get them back?"

"Yes, sorry," Glory said. She glanced around at their assembled group. "Any ideas?"

"No," Luna said despondently. "We don't know what the emergency Qibli was on about was, so we don't know why they disappeared. And without knowing that, we can't really know where they are."

"Maybe they're fine," Blue said optimistically. "JPA is safe, right?"

The entire rest of the room, Turtle included, exchanged a glance. "Oh, brother," Luna said with a sigh after a moment of silence. "You are so innocent."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Blue asked indignantly.

Sunny sent Blue a sympathetic glance, but everyone else ignored him.

The room was silent for a moment, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Then Deathbringer walked through the door, in his usual irritating fashion.

"Where have you been?" Glory asked, standing up and glaring at him. Ugh, why did she care where he was? And why had she asked where he was as if she cared?

"Uhhh, the bathroom?" Deathbringer tried, his face decidedly not his Smug Face.

"Really," Glory said in her unconvinced stern tone. "We called this meeting at six am. It is now seven."

"Fine," Deathbringer said. "I was following up on a lead."

"Oh really," Glory said, just as unconvinced and stern as before. "What lead?"

Deathbringer glanced around the packed room, and then said far too dramatically, "I know where they are."

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