Chapter 81

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Esmé was lying on a blanket outside, basking in the sun as the children ran around. "Mom! Fiona keeps shoving her egg salad sandwich in my face and it smells gross!" Austin yelled.

Alma chuckled slightly and Esmé felt her own smile tug at her lips.

"Fiona, leave him be." She says with a small smile, glancing over when she spotted Miss Sparrow.

Esmé smiled, enjoying the beautiful weather and the sound of her kids laughing around her.

Though she was snapped out of it when Ayn snuck up on her.

"Hey dork." She says, Esmé rolling her eyes before the wight sat down next to her.

"What do you want, huh?" Esmé asked her with a smile.

"Just to bother one of my favorite ymbrynes."

"Thought so." She says, surprised when she felt Alma sneak up behind her and tilt her head back, placing a kiss down on her lips.

"Well hello to you too." Esmé said with a smile as she looked up at her.

Alma let out a soft low chuckle, placing another soft kiss on her lips before taking a seat on her other side.

"How's the little one doing?" Ayn asks, glancing at her stomach.

"She's been getting more love from Alma than me." Esmé said with a joke. Though it was true Alma had been giving the unborn baby a lot of attention.

"She's going to be spoiled rotten." Ayn says and Esmé laughs.

"More than likely, yes." She says with a smile, watching Willow play with Austin and Fiona.

"Oh but she'll deserve all the love and attention she gets." Alma said with a smile, placing a gentle hand on her wife's baby bump.

"You two are too sappy for my liking." Ayn says but a smile tugged at her lips as she glanced at the two, looking back over when Balenciaga sat down.

"Hello, my dear." Ayn said to her with a smile, leaning over and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"You're not too warm are you?" Alma asks, slipping off her jacket and Esmé shook her head, leaning against her shoulder.

"It's really nice out, I'm enjoying the weather." Esmé said with a smile.

Alma hummed, laying her head on top of hers as she eyed the children down, being sure she knew where they were.

Must to Alma's dismay, Millard seemed to have taken all but his hat off. "Put your clothes back on, Millard!" She scolded the hat.

"But it's hot outside!"

"No arguing with me." She says simply and the boy groaned, heading back inside and she shot her gaze down to the younger woman when she felt a kick against her head.

"What a rude baby." Alma said in a slight scolding tone. "Tsk tsk."

"She just loves you." Esmé says with a smile, rubbing her thumb over her wife's hand and jumped when she felt Ayn trail her nail up her neck.

"Hey there, birdie." Ayn said with a smirk, a finger under Esmé's chin.

The younger woman shivered slightly at the touch and felt her cheeks burn, sending the wight a glare making Ayn laugh.

"I'll go get you some water, your cheeks are red." Ayn says with a smile, leaving the two.

"Sorry about her. She's a pain." Balenciaga rolled her eyes, scooting closer to the younger woman.

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