Chapter 82

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Esmé had given birth just yesterday, she was still recovering. But the baby was perfectly healthy, and that's all she cared about.

Alma had made breakfast, Ayn and Evelyn helping and Miss Sparrow stayed with the little one. Everyone was right, she had a little girl.

"I brought someone to see you." Miss Sparrow said with a smile to Esmé. She was holding the baby in her arms.

"Odette, my darling." Esmé said with a tired smile.

The younger woman was still resting in bed for a bit, worn out but she would never trade up the offer to hold her. She gently brought the little girl in her arms, her mentor taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

The baby let out a small giggle as she looked up at her mother. "She's such a sweetheart." Miss Sparrow said as she looked at the two.

"She is." Esmé says softly, looking down at her, smiling when she felt the small feathers on her back.

The girl had been born with what Esmé believed would grow into wings, similar to her mother.

She gently pressed a kiss on her forehead, smiling down at the little one, not noticing Alma entered the room with food she brought up for her.

"Hello my beautiful darlings." Alma said with a smile. She walked over and pressed a kiss to each of their heads. "How are you love?"

"Just tired." She says softly, gently running her thumb over her daughters cheek and smiling when she got a content noise in return.

"I'm in love. I'm never letting go." Esmé said with a warm smile as she looked down at the baby.

Alma knelt down by the edge of the bed, resting her chin on the woman's thigh as she looked over the two, smiling when she made eye contact with their mentor.

"Perhaps I should leave, I don't want to ruin such a lovely family moment." Miss Sparrow said, getting up to leave.

"Nonsense, you are family." Alma said, stopping her.

Esmé gently took her mentors hand, pulling her back over to where she was and resting her head against her shoulder as she looked over the little one with a fond look.

"You're not allowed to leave." Esmé muttered as she leaned against the older woman.

"Oh really? You're going to boss me around?" She says with a playful smile and Esmé returned the look, glancing at the older woman.


The mentor smiled before looking down at the little one, Esmé trying to stay awake as she held Odette. She hadn't been sleeping well after having her, still some pain bothering her.

"Maybe we should leave you be to get some rest." Alma said gently, noticing her wife seemed tired.

"Alright." She says softly, smiling down at the little girl who started growing tired in her mother's arms as well.

"Goodnight my sweet darling." Esmé said gently, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before handing her to Alma.

The older woman gently took her in her arms, pressing a gentle kiss on the girls forehead before carefully setting her down in her crib in the bedroom. Esmé leaned against Miss Sparrow as she watched the two, gently playing with her hand.

"Are you alright?" The mentor asked her gently.

"Mhm. I'm just happy." Esmé said with a tired smile.

She gently fidgeted with her fingers until Alma walked over, Esmé holding her arms out with a smile and the older woman gave her a warm look before kneeling down and giving her a gentle hug.

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