Chapter 84

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"We should get heading back home." Alma says softly, Esmé hummed a response before moving to sit up, stretching her wings out.

"I'm so tired." Esmé groaned.

"You can sleep once we're home."

The younger woman felt Odette pull at her wing, lifting the girl up in her arms with a small smile.

"Hello sweetheart, you excited to go back home?" Esmé asked with a smile.

The baby smiled and Esmé pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead before standing up and picking up her towel.

"Alright everyone! Time to go!" Alma said, walking around to round people up.

Ayn helped gather the others and they began the trip back home, Odette constantly squirming in her mother's arms, her wings still flapping.

"You don't know how to fly yet." Esmé says with a raised eyebrow, the girl sticking her tongue out at her.

"How rude!" Esmé scolded with a small glare. Odette did it again and Esmé let out a small gasp. "You need to learn some manners."

The girl giggled and Esmé rolled her eyes, keeping a close eye on her as they entered the loop.

The baby let out a small cry when they went through, but was otherwise quiet.

"You're wearing me out." Esmé says with a small smile, the girl trying to climb up her and Alma glanced over.

"Come here, Odette." She says, taking the girl from the woman and she stuck her tongue out, Alma sending her a playful glare.

"How rude." Alma scolded, bringing her close in her arms.

Esmé gently brought her wing around the two as they made their way to the door, watching the children head inside before they did.

"I can go wash Odette off." Esmé offers and the girl looked at her mother appalled. "You're all sandy, I'm sorry, I have to." She adds with a smile.

"WHA!" Odette yelled, not wanting to get washed off. She wasn't a huge fan of water.

"Come here." Esmé laughs and the girl started crawling away, trying to move her wings in an attempt to go faster.

"Sorry sweetheart." Esmé said, picking her up and bringing her into her arms. "Your wings are coated in sand."

"You be nice to your mother while I get everyone else situated." Alma says, placing a kiss on Odettes forehead before moving up and placing a gentle one on Esmés lips.

"Blah." Odette said, with gag.

"Who taught you that?" Esmé asked with a small playful glare.

Alma chuckled and walked off to situate the children while Esmé went upstairs with her.

"I'm going to wash you off and then it's nap time for you." Esmé says, opening their bedroom door.

Odette sent her a small grumpy glare, not wanting to take a nap.

"Oh don't look at me like that. You're mother and I have to rinse off as well so a nap would do us both good." Esmé says with a small smile and Odette watched as she set her down, turning on the faucet.

"Pffff." Odette said, blowing raspberry at her mother.

"Okay, rude." Esmé said with a small glare.

She checked to make sure the water was warm before placing the plug in to fill the tub up. She gently lifted Odette up, the girl giving up fighting against her mother.

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