Chapter 33: The Lunar Being

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As Cresselia shared her insights about the situation and Darkrai's involvement, she expressed regret that she couldn't arrive sooner to prevent the chaos. President Togekiss quickly reassured her that the delay wasn't a concern, acknowledging that even Cresselia couldn't easily penetrate Darkrai's dark machinations.

General Gallade, still trying to wrap his mind around the situation, remarked on how Darkrai seemed like nothing more than a bedtime tale used to keep mischievous Pokémon in line. Cresselia solemnly confirmed that Darkrai was indeed real, emphasizing the gravity of the threat they faced.

Cresselia elaborated on Darkrai's origin, explaining that it hailed from a universe where humans and Pokémon coexisted, engaging in battles where Pokémon were commanded by humans. She described this universe's complexity, detailing the intricate relationships between humans and Pokémon, and the diverse regions they inhabited.

This revelation left President Togekiss and General Gallade stunned, struggling to comprehend the existence of such a diverse and complex universe. They exchanged bewildered glances, realizing that their understanding of reality had just been expanded beyond their wildest imaginations.

General Gallade then mentioned Alex from Team Awesome, noting that Alex believed himself to be human, although uncertainty clouded this assertion given the mysterious circumstances surrounding Alex's arrival. He recounted Alex's tales of a world without Pokémon, sparking curiosity and intrigue among those present.

Cresselia pondered this new information, considering the possibility of an "outerverse" where humans existed without Pokémon. She mulled over the implications of such a discovery, contemplating the vastness of the multiverse and the countless realities it contained. Cresselia's mention of her travels through various universes, each with unique phenomena like Mega Evolution and Z-moves, only added to the intrigue and complexity of the situation.

"The universe I come from, along with Darkrai, doesn't have Mega Evolution, Z-moves, Dynamax, Terastalization, or any other of those advancements." Cresselia said.

"So, they're not familiar with these concepts at all? Dynamax and Terastalization… what do they do?" General Gallade asked, his knowledge expanding.

"That's correct. In our world, Pokémon live in a simpler reality, devoid of these extraordinary powers and transformations." Cresselia replied.

The atmosphere grew tense as they delved deeper into the intricacies of Darkrai's origin and the nature of the multiverse, setting the stage for a daunting yet intriguing journey ahead.

As Cresselia took charge, she informed them that it was time to awaken the Pokémon afflicted by Darkrai's Bad Dreams.

General Gallade and President Togekiss agreed with her plan and suggested using a military jet to reach the affected areas quickly. However, Cresselia had other ideas. She opened a portal and encouraged them to join her through it, explaining that it would expedite their journey.

Upon arriving at one of the towns most impacted by Darkrai, Cresselia wasted no time. She entered a house, followed by the general and president. Inside, they found a young Pokémon on the brink of succumbing to its nightmares, barely clinging to life.

Offering reassurance, Cresselia used her powers to dispel the nightmares. A brilliant light illuminated not just the house but the entire town as the nightmares were transformed into peaceful dreams. As a result, the afflicted Pokémon woke up, relieved and rejuvenated.

One young Machop, almost in tears, mistook Cresselia for his mother in his delirium, expressing gratitude for dispelling the nightmare that felt all too real.

The Machop's actual mother, a Medicham, tearfully thanked them all, embracing her son with joy and relief.

The president and general stood frozen, their eyes wide with disbelief as they processed the miraculous scene before them. They had witnessed Cresselia's power firsthand, and it left them awestruck. Despite their extensive scientific knowledge and cutting-edge technology, nothing they had could compare to the swift and effective resolution that Cresselia had brought about.

Cresselia's smile was gentle yet radiant, a testament to her serene nature even in the face of such chaos. She gestured towards another shimmering portal, indicating that there was more to be done, more lives to be saved from the torment of Darkrai's nightmares.

"Come," Cresselia said softly, her voice carrying a soothing reassurance. "We have work ahead of us, but together we can make a difference."

President Togekiss and General Gallade exchanged a look filled with wonder and gratitude. They were eager to delve deeper into this mysterious situation and learn from Cresselia's wisdom. With a newfound sense of hope and determination, they stepped forward to join Cresselia in the portal, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and seek answers to their burning questions.


Inside the cavern of the lake of the Aegypt region, the atmosphere was tense as Kevin handed over the Harp instrument to Azelf, the embodiment of Willpower. As Azelf absorbed the instrument, it conveyed to Kevin the troubling events involving its counterparts. Kevin's anger flared, and he expressed his readiness to intervene.

"No, Kevin. That task falls upon the Savior," Azelf commanded firmly, quelling Kevin's urge to act.

"But you have the power! Your evil future self used it to subdue everyone in the Universe! Use it now for the greater good!" Kevin insisted, hoping to sway Azelf.

Azelf shook its head solemnly, explaining the strict limitations on its powers beyond maintaining universal balance.

"Those corrupted selves are gonna get deleted because they've defied these rules," Azelf stated firmly.

Kevin sighed, frustrated but understanding Azelf's reasoning. However, Azelf offered a glimmer of hope by opening a portal.

"I can guide you to the Savior. The Savior resides in Siril, Kevin. Go now. Avoid Darkrai," Azelf instructed, sending Kevin through the portal toward Siril.

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