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Hope's POV

I was sitting on the kitchen stool, waiting for the email. I am sure if I am hired or not and Haven didn't give me any response when I asked her.

On Friday when she returned, I had prepared a romantic dinner for us in the balcony of our apartment, with all her favorite dishes and wine. After the dinner we talked about anything and everything. I was repeatedly asking her what others said about the interview, but she didn't say a thing. The dinner led to a wild night, and we finally slept in the early hours of the morning.

After that we spent the whole weekend lazing around and with make out sessions here and there. Saturday evening, she surprised me with a car as my late welcome gift. So, we went for a long drive. I was so overwhelmed. I think this is one of the best impulsive decisions my father made for me, and it actually turned out to be the best one that changed my life beautifully.

I couldn't dream of anyone else as my wife. The way she takes care of me, notices every small thing about me and always keeps me and my happiness and my comfort her first priority. She makes me fall in love with her more and more every day. I feel so blessed and lucky being her wife.

A ping on my laptop broke my train of thoughts. I was ecstatic to see that I was hired. I froze when I saw her name as my line manager. I was still processing this when my phone rang. I picked it up without looking at the caller id.

"Hey kitten, did you check you mail?"


"Congratulations, love. So, if you decide to accept it, please come by before lunch. We can have our lunch together and then proceed with further formalities."

"Yes, I'll be there."

"Great, I'll be waiting. Gotta go, have a meeting. Love you."

As she hung up, I finally let the situation sink in and squealed loudly. I was still a bit skeptical as all the offers I had received seemed to be good as well.

Her company was one of the most reputed ones and the opportunity and offer they provide are better. I was still to respond to them within this week. Being in her team would be a bit comfortable for me as I am already well acquainted well with them.

I got ready and left for the office. I made my way straight to her office and knocked. After hearing a small 'come in' I opened the door.

As she saw me entering, she got up and come towards me in few big steps and picked me up and twirled.

"I am so happy that you accepted the offer."

"Did you know about it before?"

She placed me on my foot back and hesitatingly said, "Yeah"

"So why you didn't say anything? I asked you so many times. And how come I am in your team; you weren't there to interview me as well?"

"I just wanted to surprise you and I kind of request for you to be on my team. You impressed everyone on the panel. And we did celebrate Friday night, if you remember." saying this she pulled me towards her.

"Hey, I am angry at you for not telling me before. I'll not talk to you." I pushed her back a little."

"Hey kitten, don't be like this. I apologize for it. Please" she tried to convince me with a pout and cute puppy eyes. She was looking so adorable.

"That is not gonna work on me"

She pulled me in her arms and started kissing me all over my face. I giggled at her antics.

"Okay okay. Now stop this."

"Te amo kitten" saying she started kissing me slowly.

"It is gonna be so fun with you working here."


Hello my lovely readers,

Thank you so much for all the love and support you are giving to this story. I apologies for updating so late and promise to be more frequent from now on.

Keep reading and voting. 

Yours true romanticist,

Married to my fiance's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now