Chapter 9 - Home:

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Attachment - Violet Cady Potter

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Attachment - Violet Cady Potter

Violet went through the seven stages of grief as she stood in the doorway to the Conjuring House.

The week was over, and she was trying to leave with Sam and Colby. Fear was coursing through her, making it harder to focus. Was she going to get stuck again?

Abigail stood behind her, watching as Colby placed the last of bags into the car. "You should go."

"What if I can't?" Violet breathed, smiling softly when Colby seemed to pinpoint her exact spot. The energy in the house was unreal.

"At least try," Abigail told her.

The younger spirit nodded and stepped out, shivering in nerves. She walked up to the car and took her seat in the back seat at the time the boys hopped into the front.

Violet waved to Abigail as the car began driving away. And laughed in relief when she didn't teleport back to the house.

She pumped her fists and messed with the car to make it play one of her songs - 'Til You Can't. Sam, recognising the song, froze and looked to Colby.

"Violet? Did you get out?" Colby asked in shear hope. Violet, as a response, kicked the door. "Is that a yes?" She kicked it again.

"LET'S GO!" Sam cheered, high fiving his best friend. "You're free!"

Violet laughed, clutching her stomach as she watched them celebrate. She knew there was a reason they were her family in all but blood.

On arrival back 'home', Violet spun around as she entered. She definitely missed it.

"You still here, Via?" Sam asked as he put his bag down. She rushed to a light switch and flickered it. "That's good."

She flopped onto the couch, but sat up at the sight of another ghost. Her head tilted.

It was an older woman. When they locked eyes, Violet smiled.

"Violet Potter."

"Libby Golbach," the woman replied. Violet - recognising Sam's last name - grinned back.

"Nice to meet you."

She stood and gestured around. "The place is big - but it's alright. Have fun is all I'll say."

Libby chuckled and nodded. "Thank you."

When she left, Violet turned to the kitchen where Sam and Colby were talking avidly and another smile broke out on her face.

She was back.

Violet Cady Potter was home.


Violet is back 🫶🏼

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