Chapter 1: Showdown

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"Mister, raise the price to 600 silver ingots!" A female cultivator in an Emerald green robe spoke. Her face was hidden with her hat.

Nian Zhi arrived at the bustling marketplace, filled with cultivators and merchants vying for the limited supply of rare herbs. The rumours of the local sect's price manipulation of valuable resources seem to be true.

Nian Zhi did not want to give up on the batch of rare herbs which was currently in the spotlight. The red lights of the lantern revealed a smirk and unconcealed disgust on his handsome face. He retorted "650 silver ingots!"

The shopkeeper was on tenterhooks since this aggressive bidding.

The atmosphere in the market became tense. The resources had been scarce due to price manipulation in the cultivation market. It was hard to find one rare herb let alone a bunch of them. Nian Zhi cannot let this batch of herbs go!

The female cultivator covered her mouth as she laughed. Her laugh was pleasing to ears enough to enchant a stranger yet her words contrasted with it " Mister, it's of no use. I have no shortage of money. Go home."

Both of them fixed their gazes on herbs which can enhance one's cultivation and are of great medicinal use. These herbs were coveted by many cultivators in the world yet how many can get their hands on them?

"We'll see." He replied without so much of an ounce of worry in his tone. In truth, even though he had money, he has always been stingy when it comes to spending it. He internally gritted his teeth and swallowed the discomfort.


Everyone gasped at the scene being played in front of them.

Nian Zhi's ambition drives him to secure the herbs at any cost, yet his stinginess urges caution and frugality.

He cannot fail to obtain it. Due to the rarity and the scarcity caused by price manipulation, I may not get another chance.  Most importantly, this was his first time after eleven years to descend the mountain and I, Nian Zhi cannot lose to a cultivator of the Qing Cui clan!

He stepped further and slapped the surface of the stall sending a shiver down the shopkeeper's spine and turned around to look at the female cultivator. He confronted as he squinted his phoenix eyes at her, "Shameless! Feeling proud of playing dirty"

The crowd also wanted to demonstrate this but they never dared to! The reason is the fear of  The Qing Cui sect which is one of the most powerful sects in the world!

The one in Emerald's robe stayed calm and taunted him," Very good. You don't have enough to pay. So you claim a false allegation against me. " She did not speak more than bidding higher. She appeared to be pleased by others making hard choices and had long seen through the facade displayed by him.

"As expected of the Qing Cui sect. The seed doesn't fall too far from the tree " Nian Xin feigned a charming smile and placed 1100 silver ingots on the stall. He was cursing inside yet maintained his cool on the surface.

Everyone: ....

The young female never felt so embarrassed in front of anyone, let alone slandering her sect at her face in public! Her grip on the sword hilt tightened. "How dare you-" Before she almost struck him, a fellow cultivator of her sect came forward from the crowd and held her back. He appeared to convey a message so,  she calmed down to hear him.

With an air of arrogance, she turned around to leave. Who would waste this much money on a mere batch of rare herbs? They had many in their sect. Besides, she has something important to deal with.

In the end, Nian Zhi was able to get the batch of rare herbs. He rolled his eyes as she left. He didn't know what to make of this victory. Although he felt conflicted holding it, to measure it approximately he felt three parts content to achieve it yet seven parts at a loss for over excessive spending.

He had always been parsimonious. Tonight, at his first time down the mountain, he must have earned the reputation of a spendthrift. Shortly, he left for the mountain to deliver these to his Shifu.

Nian Zhi is the only disciple of Master Xuan. He is the top disciple of the Tranquil Stream Sect, who started to cultivate at the age of 7 and formed a golden core by the age of 10. He is a true talent of the cultivation world. His only drawback is his short-temperedness and stingy mouth.

[Author's Notes]
Here are names and their meaning. I will slowly reveal the meaning of each character and sect's name:

1. 念志 (Niàn Zhì)
   - 念 (Niàn) conveys the idea of "longing" or "cherishing."
   - 志 (Zhì) signifies "ambition" or "aspiration," highlighting the individual's goals and desires.

2. "Tranquil Stream Sect" can be translated as "静流宗" (Jìng Liú Zōng).

Here's the breakdown of the meaning:

i. 静 (Jìng) - This character means "tranquil" or "calm."

ii. 流 (Liú) - This character means "stream" or "flow."

iii. 宗 (Zōng) - This character means "sect" or "school."

3. 青翠宗 (Qīng Cuì Zōng):  "Azure Emerald Sect"
- 青 (Qīng) means "azure" or "greenish-blue," representing the color azure.
- 翠 (Cuì) means "emerald" or "jade green," symbolizing the color emerald.
- 宗 (Zōng) means "sect" or "clan,"

Suggest me if I should use English name of both sects and future sects or the Chinese names?

Thank you for reading and your support!♡♡

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