Chapter 5: The new Moon is like an eyebrow

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A canary perched on the branch of a willow tree besides the main hall’s compound. The bird enjoyed the pleasant morning Sun. The crisp and cool breeze caressed its tiny body. It gazed below at the disciples standing in neat group of lines. 

In the compound a group of students leaned closer,"Why do we even have to go to their sect?!” The student emphasized the word ‘their’.

“Right! Don't they even feel ashamed to invite the elders?”

Another student taunted,”I heard their sect leader is planning to retire soon.” 

“Really?! That weasel has been the sect leader for decades” 

Before they could finish their gossip, the students got startled by the warning cough of their senior brother. They hurriedly returned to their original position and greeted “Shixiong, we apologize for gossiping.” Yu Lan's hands were clasped behind his back. He hm-ed and nodded to acknowledge the apology. The students silently returned to their original positions. 

His back was as straight as a pine tree, when he saw elders enter the courtyard he released his clasped  hands and walked towards them to greet them. Yu Lan was neatly dressed in a student's robe and his hair secured in a bun.

“Greetings shifu and elders”, Yu Lan said sincerely. The rest of the students followed the suit. The sect leader replied “ very well. Everyone's here. Let's embark.”

Nian Zhi, who came along with the elder Xuan, was riding a horse with others. The Qing Cui sect was neither too distant nor too close, so they got horses to travel by road. 

One of the disciples from earlier continued the conversation beside Nian Zhi's horse. 

“eh, the retirement I told you earlier in the courtyard. You know what?” 

Nian Zhi scorned internally at these disciples for gossiping. He contemplated that he doesn't do this petty stuff, but it's okay to listen secretly as it has only been fifteen days since he came out from seclusion. 

A female voice asked “what?” 

“He is planning to give his position to his disciple!” 

“ To whom?”

“Who else can it be other than his favorite disciple, Yi Fan”


Nian Xin took notice of this lad. Is he truly that good?

He sped up and reached to the front, leaving behind the noises of chattering about others. The different shades of green surrounded the road. The calmness of the mountain and forest nature embraced him. Nian Zhi inhaled deeply and exhaled. He was quite nervous for his first visit to another sect. 

The Sun was past noon and they finally arrived at the gates of the Qing Cui sect. The gate was adorned with the motifs of a golden dragon with Emerald green eyes. The disciples of the Qing Cui sect lead them inside. 

The guy from earlier took the risk to talk to Nian Zhi, who looked stern, "Shixiong, you may not know, the Cang Qui sect loves to show off their wealth". 

"I see" 

The name of the guy is Rui Ming, he is also known as all talk, no action. He has long heard of Elder Xuan 's disciple, Nian Zhi and wanted to befriend him. Receiving the plain reply from him, didn't discourge him from his future endeavors! As long as there is a reply or no reply is okay too, as long as he breaths he will pursue who he wants to! He grinned brightly.

The sect leader of the Qing Cui sect was standing in front of the entrance. He welcomed the guests along with a good looking disciple.

“Sect leader Liu, it’s an honor to meet you again”

The tranquil stream sect leader smiled in reply,"Sect leader Wu, it's always enlightening to see you. Our encounters are always memorable.”

“You flatter me. Thank you for coming to my banquet, ” Sect leader Liu laughed. The disciple next to him sincerely greeted, "Sect leader Wu, it's an honor to welcome you to our sect. I hope our hospitality satisfies you.” The disciple smiled gracefully at the guests. 

“ Yi Fan, it's nice to see you too. You have grown into an admirably dedicated young man.” Yi Fan was none other than the prodigy of the new generation of cultivation world, who was also the direct disciple of the Sect leader Liu.

“Thank you, Sect master Wu, for your kind words. I am humbled by your recognition for my efforts.” Yi Fan replied.

Sect leader Liu interjected, “Alright, first, let us show you all the rooms to rest before the banquet begins.”

Nian Zhi rolled his eyes as he walked to his room and thought Bah! Is he even anything other than a pretty eloquent boy?


[Author's Notes]

1. The new moon is like an eyebrow/ Xin Yue Ru Mei- Idiom compares the new moon to the delicate curve of eyebrows, symbolizing  the beginning  of a new lunar cycle, akin to the appearance of a slender crescent moon in the night sky, marking the Beginning of new phase/ journey.

2. Yu Lan (玉澜) - "Yu" means jade, and "Lan" means wave. This name signifies gentle, undulating waves, like the cool elegance of jade.

3. Yi Fan (逸凡) - "Yi" means outstanding or elegant, and "Fan" means ordinary, but together they imply someone who stands out from the ordinary, highlighting both charm and diligence

4. Rui Ming (睿明)- 睿 (Rui) means wise or astute 明 (Ming) means bright or clear

5. Shixiong- Fellow senior male student

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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