Chapter 34: A day in the life of Farfetch'd

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Farfetch'd, standing tall and proud before the guild members, cleared his throat dramatically before launching into his morning speech.

"Everyone, esteemed members of our esteemed guild! Today is a day like no other, except for tomorrow, and maybe the day after that! But let's focus on today because today is the present, and who doesn't love presents? I know I do, especially if they're leeks!"

The guild members chuckled lightly, encouraging Farfetch'd to continue.

"Now, listen up, everyone! We have rescue missions waiting for brave souls to embark on epic adventures. And remember, if you get lost, just follow your instincts, your team, and maybe a map if you're feeling extra prepared!"

He paused for effect, tapping his leek against his wing before concluding with a flourish, "So let's grab our tools, spread our wings, and let the rescues begin! Leek it up, team! Leek it up! Smiles go for miles!"

The guild members cheered and clapped, amused by Farfetch'd's unique and energetic morning speech.

Farfetch'd, with his leek held high, finished his morning speech with a flourish and promptly dashed off to attend to his multitude of responsibilities as Altaria's right-hand individual.

First on his agenda: guiding the rescue teams. As he approached a confused rescue team, he gave them a friendly but firm whack on the head with his leek. "You're going in circles! Follow your instincts, team! And maybe a map if you can find one!"

Next, he guided another team to their correct mission, expertly shooing away any doubts with a confident swipe of his leek. "Don't worry, I've got this. Just follow the leek!"

Next, he was also responsible for tending to customers and guiding them on the correct rescue teams.

Farfetch'd, with a determined squint, called upon both Team Light and Team Awesome after hearing about the customer's kidnapped son. 

To his surprise, only Elton showed up for Team Awesome. Farfetch'd raised an eyebrow, ready to inquire about the absence of the rest of Team Awesome, but before he could, Elton quipped, "Alex is probably still getting the royal treatment from Andrea! He'll show up when he's done being spoiled!"

Team Light couldn't help but chuckle at Elton's comment, but Farfetch'd wasn't amused. "It's Monday! He should have been back since Friday night!"

Elton rolled his eyes in mock exasperation, boasting that he could handle the mission solo. Farfetch'd, however, shut him down immediately. "No way! Team Light is taking this one." Elton was left speechless, realizing that even his quick wit couldn't outmatch Farfetch'd's authority.

After that, Farfetch'd dove into his financial duties. Unlike the traditional abacuses and scrolls, Farfetch'd utilized cutting-edge technology, including advanced accounting software and neural networks, to manage the guild's finances with unparalleled precision. With a few keystrokes and strategic algorithms, he redirected funds to their designated places, ensuring the guild's financial health and stability. It was financial wizardry at its finest, and Farfetch'd was the master of this digital realm.

In between tasks, Farfetch'd helped Guildmaster Altaria with errands, making sure everything ran smoothly while also keeping a watchful eye on the guild's budget. And if anyone dared to question his methods, well, they were in for a whack from his trusty leek – just ask Team Awesome, they're practically experts at Farfetch'd's swings!

The underground speakers crackled to life, announcing Guildmaster Altaria's call for Farfetch'd's assistance. Farfetch'd, already anticipating some form of chaos, made his way to the source of the summons.

Upon arrival, Farfetch'd was greeted with quite the spectacle. Guildmaster Altaria's feathers were ruffled in agitation, and Team Fuse looked like they'd been caught red-handed—well, red-cherry-mouthed, to be precise.

Altaria wasted no time in venting his frustration. "Farfetch'd, these fucking clowns dared to lay their grubby hands on my perfect cherries! But since they ate a few, I want you to demand swift and fitting retribution!"

Farfetch'd, trying to keep a straight face amidst the absurdity, muttered under his breath, "Not again with this..."

Altaria shot back at the team, "You should be grateful I didn't fucking send you all on a quest to retrieve them like Team Awesome!"

With a nod and a resigned sigh, Farfetch'd turned to face Team Fuse, who were now sporting bruised egos as well as bruises given by the guildmaster along with perfect cherry-stained faces.

Farfetch'd decided to assign Team Fuse to a month of rigorous cleaning duty, with the ever-watchful and strict Froslass supervising their every move. The thought of Froslass's icy glare was enough to keep them on their toes.


Hours later, as the evening descended and it was time for dinner, Farfetch'd gathered everyone around the big table where every rescue team ate. With a dramatic flourish of his leek, Farfetch'd began his usual pre-dinner speech.

"Dear fellow guild members," Farfetch'd started, adopting a formal tone, "As the night settles and we gather for our meal, let us not forget the hard work and dedication that each and every one of us brings to the guild. May this food nourish our bodies and spirits, and may we continue to strive for excellence in all our endeavors!"

With that, the guild members cheered and started digging into their meals, chatting and sharing stories from their day.

As night deepened and everyone retired to their rooms, Farfetch'd settled into his own room, feeling content yet slightly amused by the day's events. With a satisfied sigh, he closed his eyes and drifted off into a peaceful slumber, ready to face whatever challenges awaited the guild.

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