Chapter Sixteen- Phrophetic Dreams

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The last thing I could remember was going to bed after Echidna left. Now, I was wandering the halls of Cronus' home but nothing looked quite right. I knew it sounded crazy but there was no other way to explain it. Vases I had seen that were shades of browns were now a cream white and the plants inside luminescent. The walls looked like they had faint prints of bodies pressed against it. Glowing shadows with some higher than others, arms pinned above their heads, and some even in crucifixion form. I wasn't sure what I was even looking at.

At the end of the hall, those same three hags that started all of this stood with various candles around them. Still the same white messy hair, wrinkled grey skin, long filthy fingers, and eyeless slots. The only things in this hall not luminescent. I finally made my way to them, not even realizing I was shaking until the middle hag placed her hand on top of mine.

"No need to fear child- we are just here to remind you of your fate." She tried to explain calmly, failing to realize her voice made it even more terrifying.

"My fate?" I asked, realizing the answer immediately afterward. The damn prophecy they told me before I met Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. The night I saw Agape in front of the gas station. 'She is the one they will want.The real one they want. Watch out Neoma Knight. The Three Kings will be coming for you any moment now. When you see them- run.' If I remembered it correctly but even running, the three kings caught me and claimed me as theirs.

"We told you to run Neoma Knight. Of course, you can only run so far from destiny."

"And what's my destiny? Who were the ones that wanted me? Poseidon? Zeus?"

"Cronus and his supporters obviously. You have now sewn your fate with Cronus." The hag toward the left explained.

I scoffed with disgust not even bothering to hide itself. Me intertwined with Cronus? Unbelievable. The three hags glanced at one another with a face of concern. Perhaps this is the first time a human has tried to fight one of their prophecies. Always a first for everything as my teachers would say.

"Have you seen your skin yet?" The one to the right asked.

I glanced down and there I noticed various lip markings staining my skin, glowing brighter than anything in the hall. How the hell had I not seen this earlier? Some bites and some kisses. As if on cue, the door next to me creaked open slightly only allowing a little purple light to peep through. Turning to the hags, even they looked nervously at the door. What could be so terrifying that they do not even want to see it? That the damn psychics would be so freaked over?

Daring myself to prove bravery, I pushed it open with immediate disbelief as to what was in front of me. Three terrifying bald men watched the bed as Cronus kissed the inner thigh of some innocent girl. I couldn't see her face but perhaps that was for the better. She wore the same kind of nightgown as me and kept moaning as the shirtless Cronus moved his kisses elsewhere. Candles, the same that surrounded the hags, laid on pretty much every surface but they weren't a normal flame but rather a purple one. Surely that had to be impossible right?

"Ugh gross! Why did you leave the door open?" I shouted, disgusted and about to close the door when the girl moaning finally revealed herself.

"Do not stop my lord!" She screamed at Cronus. The three men turned to me at the same time as if knowing I had put the pieces together. I was watching myself get eaten out by the damn titan.

"For my queen? Anything to please her." Cronus whispered, kissing her inner thighs once more before continuing what he was doing before.

I couldn't wait another moment before closing the door behind me but the three hags were now gone along with their candles. The same purple light filled the halls. I knew what I needed to do now.

As quickly as my bare feet would let me run, I made my way down the hall and to the stairs to run away. I know I promised I wouldn't but surely I can be forgiven for breaking my promise if I didn't know what would happen if I promised before. The same purple light filled the downstairs area but now blocking all three exits stood a shirtless Cronus. All three of them waiting for me.

"Let me out!" I screamed, begging to be let go.

"Did you forget our deal Neoma Knight?" The first one asked, slowly coming towards me. The other two moved the same pace towards me. Nothing I had ever faced before now could be more intimidating.

"You agreed you wouldn't run away. You agreed to be mine." The second one stated immediately after the first.

"You saw yourself up there. Clearly my sons have not been treating you fairly." The third one added on.

"You take that back! You take me back to them now!" I demanded like a toddler.

Soon the three copies of Cronus surrounded me. Surely this had to of been a dream right? I couldn't really be here with three different Cronus copies. I just needed to figure out how to wake myself up. The copy behind me draped my left arm around him, going in for the soft spot on my neck immediately.

"I may only be one man my queen but I can do more than my sons ever could." He whispered into my neck as he placed his hand on my breast and going back for the attack.

The copy in front of me ripped my nightgown, going down onto his knees and kissing anywhere he could right there. Third Cronus moved my head to face him and smiled the softest grin I had ever seen before placing his lips onto mine and caressing my other breast.

"Surrender yourself to me Neoma. I could fulfill all your desires." The copy kissing me muttered in between the kisses.

I couldn't. I couldn't do that to my favorite people. Why can't I stop enjoying this though? What if the hags were right? What if I couldn't stop myself from joining Cronus?

Immediately, I shot back up into reality, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. I knew it... I knew it was a dream. Clutching the blanket to cover myself up as if I was naked, I glanced around the room for any sign of movement. Even knowing it was only just a dream, something told me Cronus was behind this. Could he influence people's dreams too?

"Hags? Are you there?" I asked out, hoping for no response.

The wind answered instead, blowing air softly against the trees and bushes in the distance. No movement as far as I could see. I ruffled my hair in between my fingers, trying to wrap my brain around everything. What could have been real and what was fake? Slowly I laid back into a restless sleep to take me for the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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