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BroZone, Poppy, and Viva were chilling out

Coming Soon

Then a female troll comes out of a portal

Join BroZone, Poppy, and Viva

Branch: What the heck?

Poppy: Who are you

On A Wacky Adventure

Troll: I'm Britt and I need help in my world

Branch: Now hold on just a second

Floyd: Am I the only one seeing that they look exactly the same

To Help Another World

Viva: Yeah but one's a girl and one's a boy

Clay: I think it's called gender swapped

Britt: Wow just like Vivo and Cleo

And Meet New Friends

Clay and Viva: Who?

Britt: I need help. My world is in trouble

Branch: I don't think...

Poppy: Of course we'll help you

Britt: Thank you. You remind me of my friend Pop

Trolls The Other World


Brittney Spears

Keeley Elise

Bruno Mars


Nick Jonas

Christina Aguilera


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