Trailer 2

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In Britt's world

Floyd: So what's the problem?

Troll 1: Problem? What problem?

Troll 2: Who told you that we had a problem?

Clay: Whoa chill girl

Britt: Cleo I told them that we had a problem

Cleo: Okay Britt since you brought them I can trust them

Troll: What's the problem again?

Britt: Classic Fawn. The music problem we have here

Fawn: Oh right that problem

Coming Soon

Branch: Does anyone get the strange feeling that Britt is bad news?

Bruce: Well look who's jealous of Britt

Branch: I'm not!

Poppy: Branch we can trust Britt

Cleo: Follow us

Fawn: We'll show you where to go

Then they left and Britt's eyes started to glow red

Brittney Spears as Britt

Keeley Elise as Fawn

Christina Aguilera as Cleo

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