Truth Revealed

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Then Hope got to the hiding spot

Hope: Hold still

Then she finds another cloak and puts it on Hype

Hype: What are you doing?

Hope: Incase they still want to capture you

Then they go into the hiding spot

Hope takes off her hood

Hope: Hey guys

Tricks: You!

Andrea: Traitor!

Hope: I'm not

Bon Bon: Then why are you wanted?

Hope: I'm not under Nightshade's control anymore

Bon Bon and Tricks: WHAT?!

Andrea: How do we know we can trust you?

Hope: If I was really a traitor to you guys and to our world. Would I have done this?

Then she takes Hype's hood off

Trickee, Ablaze, and Boom: Hype! 😄😄😄

Hype: Hey guys!

Then the four friends share a hug

Hype: Thank you

Hope: No problem and Boom thank you for keeping my secret

Boom: No problem Hope

Trolls The Other WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz