Hype Meets Hope

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Hype was chained up in the dungeon

Nightshade: Hello there

Hype: 😨

Nightshade: Looks like Kismet did me good and found something to lure BroZone and Poppy to their dome 

Hype: You won't get away with this!

Nightshade: I think that I already have

Then she leaves and locks the door

Hype: How am I gonna get out of here?

Then Hype hears the door open

Hype: Who's there?

Then a troll with a cloak covering her identity comes into the dungeon

Then a troll with a cloak covering her identity comes into the dungeon

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Troll: Calm down I'm here to help

Hype: Who are you?

Troll: My name is Hope and the girls that capture you are my friends

Hype: Why are you helping me?

Hope: Because I'm the only one not under Nightshade's control and I can't let anyone get hurt

Hype: Under control? 🤨

Hope: I'll explain later. Right now I need to get you out

Then she unlocks Hype and sets him free

Hype: Thank you Hope

Hope: Come on I need to get you to safety

Then she and Hype climb out a window and sneak through town

Then Hype sees a wanted poster

Hype: Is that you?

Hope: Oh no it's worse than I thought. She wants me so she can regain control

Hype: Why are you wanted? Are you a criminal?

Hope: No Nightshade is. I'm on your side. I broke out of Nightshade's control and now she wants me back

Then she hears her little brother Pear and his girlfriend Asha

Pear: Nightshade said to go to the castle

Asha: Are you ok with your sister being banished?

Pear: Whatever she did was wrong and that's not okay

Hope: Oh Pear 😔 If only you knew

Pear: Come on Asha let's go

Then they leave

Hope: There's on group of friends that will believe my side of the story

Then she and Hype head for the hiding spot

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