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Tricks, Hope, Bon Bon, and Andrea were hanging out

Nightshade: Where's Britt been? I wasn't able to get in touch with her

Hope: I don't know

Nightshade: Well there's always one that tells the truth

Bon Bon: Who me?

Tricks: Don't say it Bon Bon

Nightshade: Where was Britt?

Bon Bon: Uh I don't know what you're talking about

Nightshade: I suggest you tell me

Then her eyes start to glow

Bon Bon: Ah! 

Nightshade: Where was Britt?

Then Bon Bon's eyes grew red

Bon Bon: She was in another world to get help

Nightshade: Another world? Help?

Then she drops Bon Bon

Andrea: Bon Bon

Hope: You okay?

Bon Bon: *groans* 😣 My head

Tricks: You snake!

Nightshade: Well Tricks that's no way to talk to your ruler now, is it?

Then Tricks's eyes start to glow red

Tricks: No

Nightshade: That's better

Hope: Leave us alone Nightshade

Andrea: Yeah

Nightshade: Don't worry I'll leave you alone when I get out of this crazy place

Andrea: What do you mean?

Nightshade: Well I'm from another world but I ended up in this world, but now I know how to get out. I just need one strand of each of these trolls' hair that Britt brought here. So for once Britt did something good for me

Hope: We'll never go along with that

Andrea: Yeah you're crazy

Nightshade: You forgot one thing

Then her eyes started to glow and Hope. Bon Bon, and Andrea's eyes started to glow red

Nightshade: I have control over you. Now do what I say and get me those strands of hair

Then they left

Nightshade: I'll make sure that SisZone, Vivo, and Pop are also following my directions

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