thirty four ; last kiss (seungmin x jeongin)

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"I never imagined we'd end like this..."

rain drops dripped down onto the sidewalk as seungmin approached the small flower shop. he pulled the door open and greeted the familiar face of the male behind the register with a small, somewhat forced smile.

"hey min, I've got the bouquet ready for you," jisung said as he lifted the bouquet of white carnations onto the counter. they were wrapped in brown paper and tied off with a white bow and seungmin smiled softly.

"what do I owe you?" seungmin asked and jisung just shook his head.

"It's on the house, enjoy.." jisung said and seungmin just smiled again softly and gently grabbed the flowers before leaving the shop and heading towards the cafè down the block.

as he was walking he noticed the sun beginning to creep the dark rain clouds, lighting up small parts of the sidewalk as he carried the flowers close to his chest.

"seungmin-ah," felix said in a gentle voice as he heard the bell above the door of the coffee shop jingle followed by seungmin's familiar scent.

"hey lix, how are you?" seungmin asked as felix began packaging up seungmin's usual order.

"I'm good. I go on maternity leave soon which means I'm leaving the store to my assistant manager," felix answered, making sure to be gentle as he packed the food in the small pink to go boxes.

"don't you mean your wonderful assistant?" heeseung chimed in as he walked behind felix to grab a drink holder for the blonde.

"I think he meant you better take care of his store or he'll hunt you down," seungmin joked as he smiled softly.

"there you go min, two chai lattes and two  strawberry puff pastries and a one small bag of macarons," felix said as he lifted the bagged food and drink holder up for seungmin to grab.

"what do I owe you?" seungmin asks, grabbing the food and drinks gently.

"It's a gift, for jeongin," felix said with a small smile and seungmin nodded before slowly exiting the cafe.

seungmin had one last stop to make and as he approached the small shop the sun had begun to fully escape through the clouds, painting the once dark streets with a beautiful bright hue.

"he's here!" hyunjin said as he grabbed the freshly knitted blanket off the warmer and rushed to the counter as changbin walked up to stand beside his husband.

"hey guys," seungmin said and hyunjin handed him the blanket before walking around the counter to give him a hug.

"just take the blanket and go minnie, jeongin is waiting for you," hyunjin said softly and seungmin nodded his head, waving softly at changbin before he walked out of the store and began the journey towards his next destination.

he could smell the cherry blossoms as he walked, he could feel the cool breeze on his skin and as he walked through the small gate he noticed a couple walking, hand in hand.

he walked across the cross, stepping carefully over the flowers on the ground before he stopped and gently laid the blanket out on the ground and then sat down, sitting cross legged as he unwrapped the flowers and placed them near the head stone he was sitting in front of.

"hey innie.." seungmin said in a gentle voice, brushing his fingers against the smooth grey stone, tracing the letters of jeongin's name.

"It's been a year. It's been a whole year that I've spent living a life without you in it. If you were here you'd be so proud of the things our friends have accomplished.." seungmin spoke as he began to open up the food, taking a small bite out of one of the pastries.

"felix and chan finally bought the bakery and are about to have a baby. jisung and minho run the flower shop now, hyunjin sells handmade blankets like you always told him to and changbin got the music producer position at jyp'd be so proud of them," seungmin was trying his best to keep talking and not shed a single tear as he took another bite of the pastry.

"and me? well, I moved. I couldn't live in our apartment without you there...I just kept waiting for you to come home. It wasn't healthy anymore...but I don't live alone. and before you get jealous, I only got a cat. her name is mochi, after your favorite snack. you'd love her, she's wild and crazy but she loves to snuggle. like really loves to'd have been her favorite person in the entire world," seungmin couldn't help it as a single tear dripped down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away before continuing to speak.

"I started working as a photographer...I just shot a wedding. It was beautiful...they chose the same colors that we did...and the bride carried white carnations, your favorite flower. which I brought for you today.." he said as he gently brushed a hand over the flowers before finishing off one of the pastries.

"I miss you...I know you wouldn't want me to be sad but I can't help it. you weren't supposed to go...we were supposed to get married and move to america. you wanted to live on the beach. we...we had so much planned," a broken and heavy sob echoed off seungmin's lips as he finally let himself break and tears began streaming down his cheeks.

"If you hadn't left to go get the food you'd still be here...if we would have just had it delivered you'd be here with me...this wasn't supposed to happen," more sobs left seungmin's mouth as he mourned the loss of his fiancé and as he sobbed he didn't notice his friends slowly walking over to him as he cried.

"I never imagined we'd end like this.." seungmin sighed and as he wiped his eyes he felt a hand on his back and another reaching to wipe away his tears.

"we know you asked to do this alone, but we couldn't let you be here alone...we're all here with you okay?" chan said in a gentle voice and seungmin nodded his head before he let changbin engulf him in a tight hug and he began sobbing into changbin's chest.

"we love you, and we love him," felix whispered as he rubbed seungmin's back.

seungmin may have lost the love of his life but he was so grateful he had his friends to help him through it.


grief is the weirdest emotion.

anyways, hope you liked it.


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