thirty five ; I see you ( minho x chan )

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lee minho suffered from a rare form of heterochromia. heterochromia iristis. since his birth he was only able to see the world through different shades of black and white.

upon his diagnosis as a child his parents were informed he would gain the ability to see colors upon meeting his soul mate.

he was twenty five now and his time to gain the ability to see colors was running out. at his last check up his primary doctor had informed that if he didn't find love within the next five years he may never experience living a life where he could see color.

"after reaching age thirty it's extremely rare for those who suffer from heterochromia iristis to gain the ability to see color even if they meet their soul mate after turning thirty," the doctor spoke as minho nodded his head slowly.

he hoped maybe a fresh start in life would give him the chance to meet his soul mate. he'd accepted a job as a dance instructor at an extremely popular company in seoul and after a long conversation with his parents, his father agreed to let him leave lee corporations in order to per-sue this new career path.

he decided to dress comfortably but still somewhat presentable. he wore black sweatpants with a simple white tee shirt and his best sneakers along with a baseball cap, keeping it simple yet stylish.

upon entering the building he somehow managed to find his way to the dance studio, with the help of one of the idols who worked under the company.

"you look lost," the man said as minho tried to read the directions on his phone.

"oh, uh, yeah I guess I am. It's my first day, I'm looking for studio three. I'm a dance instructor," minho explained and the man nodded his head, hitting the elevator button.

"you want to be on floor three. when you leave the elevator exit to your left, go straight down the hallway and the studio will be the third door on your left. I'm jisung, I'm a producer here," the male explained with a smile as the elevators doors opened.

"thank you, it was nice to meet you, my names minho. uh lee minho," minho responded with a bow as jisung followed him into the elevator.

"as in lee corporations?" jisung asked.

minho nodded. "yeah, that's my dads company. well technically my great grandfathers company but my dad owns it now."

"oh I see, well minho it was lovely to meet you. maybe we could grab lunch together. you can find me in studio A on the second floor," jisung grinned as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"for sure," minho grinned back before waving goodbye to jisung and patiently waiting for the elevator to reach the third floor.

"fuck, I'm late," minho exclaimed as the elevator doors opened and he rushed out of them, running straight into the chest of a man he'd never before, causing his body to lose his footing and hit the ground with a loud thud.

"shit, I'm sorry, are you okay?" the male said, reaching down to help minho stand.

it felt as if time slowed down suddenly as minho looked up, catching sight of the males face that he'd bumped into. the man was beautiful. he had black curly hair, tan skin, big brown doe eyes and a beautiful jawline that nearly left minho speechless.

he'd heard stories from his friends about them meeting their partners and the whole "love at first sight" trope but he never believed it was real until he felt the swarm of butterflies in his stomach and a wave of affection flowing through his nervous system as he grabbed onto the unknown male's hand, allowing him to help him stand up.

"yeah, I'm okay," minho said in a gentle voice, "my fault for not paying attention."

"you look like you were in a rush," the guy said, a heavy accent behind his words as he spoke. australian, minho recognized it as one of his old coworkers had an australian accent as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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