The outlaw

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So... As of recent I've been lacking motivation. I've made this one shot more funny and I think it worked- I am slightly more motivated now lol.(I hope, maybe-) Hope u guys don't mind this is less serious, and probably going to be shorter.


Another day, another target.

As always, Subspace had given me the assignment to go out and assassinate another person. I have no trouble with that. As of course it's my job, a job that I've been doing for years. Bloodshed and dead bodies are something I've seen a numerous amount of times. I'm used to it. But you know what I'm not used to?

The scorching heat of Lost Temple.

While it's unpleasant, the icy winds of Blackrock are something I've grown up with. The freezing chills that go across my skin are considered normal. As well as all the blizzards that pile up snow on your front doorstep, despite living in an apartment on the fifth floor. (Thank SFOTH I live in a bunker, though it's still pretty bad) However, all of these resistances to my faction may as well be thrown out the window when I go to Lost Temple.

I could see the heat waves far off into the distance. The dusty colored sand was constantly getting stuck in my shoes. A cacti could be seen every now and then, with its prickly thorns sticking out from the sides of its dark green flesh. Lastly.. the worst thing of all. The sun. There wasn't a single cloud overhead in sight. Nothing to cast a shadow over the bright ball of solar energy and radiation in the sky. Nothing to give me a few seconds of shade.

I could feel the sweat seeping out of the openings of my helmet. Disgusting.

Of all the places my target had to reside. It had to be in the hottest of the four Factions. I haven't been assigned to go here in a year. A big miracle considering how often I go out to do these futile, murderous tasks. I can count my blessings, but still complain anyways.

Why does Subspace want someone dead from here in the first place? Regarding Medkit... He doesn't interact with any other demon from this faction at all! Who pissed him off so badly to the point he wanted them dead?


*A few hours earlier...

Subspace as of recently wanted to test how different substances would react to his crystals. He's heard certain things about the water of a cacti. Perhaps they'd enhance his crystal's poisonous abilities?

"Yes hello! I'd like to order some mucilage from Lost temple...! What do you mean you don't have it? It's the fucking water in a cactus! CACTUS! They're all over Lost Temple! What do you mean 'supplied', can't you just go outside and cut one open??? IF YOU DON'T WANNA GET PRICKED JUST PUT ON SOME DAMN GLOVES!... You know what? Screw you! Do you know who I am? YEAH! I'll have your head on a spike you inconceivable, deserted, swine! WATCH ME-"

*Back to the present


I do wonder what that unfortunate soul said to have it come to these circumstances.

I walked more through the desert, feeling the heat sleep more into my clothing.

From what it seemed, I had to go to some supply unit or in better words, a broken down warehouse in the Capital of Lost Temple. Thankfully that's somewhat close by. I'll die of heatstroke if I dare stay out here an hour longer.

Hearing the sand shuffle as I moved through the desert terrain, something came into view.

Large walls of molded, and clumped sandstone could be seen. Two, giant, golden doors were in the front. With silver trim going around its edges. The doors themselves had interesting rune patterns and eye designs engraved into its metallic surface. As almost its to act as handles, the Lost Temple insignia was in the middle of both doors. It was made of weathered copper, giving it a dark teal color.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 07 ⏰

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