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It had been about 2 weeks since the encounter I had with Theo and honestly since I've seen him. He was now crashing with Brielle and there were countless amounts of times that she would beg me to go back with her to her apartment and hangout or even for me to stay the night with her and have a girl's night, plus Theo if we chose to stay in the living room. I kept declining and blaming it on me not feeling good or that I had already made plans with Avery. Of course, Brielle had no idea what had happened, and I was too embarrassed to go around Theo and pretend that nothing did happen. Which, nothing really did but I still had never been that close to Theo in my whole entre life and, even though he was super attractive, he was Brielle's brother, and I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with Brielle in case this were to happen again. So here I was, out shopping with Avery so that we could go to her friends birthday party tonight and "hopefully attract someone so that we weren't lonely anymore", which in all honesty I was fine with not doing so.

"How's this?" Avery asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. She came out of her dressing room wearing a sparkly red, form fitting, short dress. It was really pretty and even though it had some minimal sparkles on it, it was otherwise pretty plain.

"I like it. It looks pretty on you" I smiled at her. She checked herself out in the standing body mirror they had sitting in the corner of the changing room area and smiled at herself.

"I love it. I'm going to get it and wear it tonight" she said. "We have to find you something sexy!" She yelled, trailing back to the changing rooms.

"No. I have clothes!" I yelled back to her. I sighed, hoping that we would leave when she was done getting dressed.

"Please, your clothes are so outdated you still wear the same shirts you did in middle school" she rolls her eyes, pointing to the shirt that I had one that I had most definitely bought from Aeropostale in middle school.

I frowned, mentally agreeing that my wardrobe was not up to par with what Avery was going to wear. It took maybe two or three more, very annoying, pleases before I agreed with her and made our way back to the dresses. We through multiple different ones before she pulled out a dark green, also form fitting, short dress. It had two small slits on the sides, and it was cut low at the neckline. She gave it a good smile before she threw it over her arm, explaining that she didn't want to give me the chance to not like it and that she was just going to buy it. 

Once we got home, we immediately got dressed given that the party started at 6 and it was already nearing 4:30. Around the time it hit 5:45, we were on the road to Avery's friend's house. Avery looked stunning, her dress fit her perfectly, her shoes were pretty black pumps that gave her some more height and her hair was up in a sleek ponytail. Her makeup was gorgeous, a black smoky eye with a red lip that completely matched her dress. You could tell she felt confident and comfortable in her own skin.

I, on the other hand, did not feel confident or comfortable in my own skin. The dress hugged me tightly, causing an extra oomph to my breasts that made me feel like I was showing too much. Avery helped me do a green smoky eye and paired it with a nude lip, which was probably already gone off my mouth from how much I kept licking my dry lips out of nervousness. I had pair of nude heels on, and my hair was pinned in a not-so-messy, messy bun. I didn't feel good about myself even though I actually did look pretty. I kept pushing it off as just nerves until I got into the car and realized how much I just wanted to go back home, throw my pajamas back on and watch a movie.

"We're here" Avery says. We both got out of the car, heading into the huge mansion her friend calls home and being greeted almost instantly with two red solo cups. Avery takes a huge gulp, finishing the liquid inside before searching around. I did the same, figuring it would be the only way to calm my nerves. I shivered from the strength of the alcohol before turning to Avery. "I think I'm going to try and find Izzy. Just don't go too far I'll come right back" she says before disappearing into the sea of people. 

I groan, heading to the kitchen to pour myself another drink before downing it and then pouring another drink. I headed towards the backyard, finding a lawn chair sitting out in front of the pool and sitting down on it. I took a couple sips before sitting my drink down, sticking my elbows on my knees and placing my head in my hands. I zoned out on the world around me, getting lost in my own thoughts of how much I didn't want to be here and even thinking of how shitty of a friend I've been to Brielle. 

"Huh. Funny to see you here. The Chloe I know would be sitting at home watching a movie right now." I hear an all too familiar voice say before the lawn chair sitting next to me becomes occupied. 

I look up, startled, and I'm greeted with Theo's perfect smile. He brings his solo cup to his mouth, taking a slow sip before sitting it down and looking me up and down. I immediately feel uncomfortable, crossing my arms over my chest so my breasts don't pop out even more. Theo notices my uncomfortable state, looking away as soon as my arms cross and clearing his throat. I take a couple more sips of my drink, leaning back in the chair with my heart thumping in my chest. 

"Here, take this" Theo says, wrapping his zip up jacket around my arms. I stick my arms through, zipping it up to the very top so it covers my front. 

"Thanks" I mumble, now feeling extremely embarrassed. 

"You're welcome, Chlo." He said. Theo now finishes his drink, setting the empty cup down before facing me once again. "So, why are you here?" 

"Avery begged me to come. She wanted to mingle" I say. 

"Oh, are you having fun?" He asks. 

"No, I just got here really. Avery left me and now I'm here." 

"Well, have some fun, get in there and dance. I think she might be blowing out the candles here soon" Theo says, turning to face towards the house to see what was happening. 

I take the chance to check Theo out. He had thrown on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a button up white shirt that he had half tucked and half out of his pants. His hair this time was down, loose curls hitting the sides of his face. He looked and smelled amazing and I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued on him. He eventually turned back to face me before smirking. 

"You're checking me out again" he says, which causes me to look away in embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to check you out on purpose" I mumble, biting on my bottom lip before glancing at him out of the corner of my eye. His eyes were stuck on me, studying every movement I made almost like he was waiting for something to happen. I gulp down my drink, feeling extremely nervous at how intense he was staring. After another minute or so passed, Theo stands up, telling me he was going to get us more drinks. 

Not too long after, Theo comes back, both of our cups filled to the top with alcohol. He hands me my cup, clinking both of ours together, the liquid inside sloshing around before he raises his up, taking a couple sips out of it  before he mutters, "bottoms up Chlo"

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