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"But Chlo, I don't know what to do! I feel like I sounded so desperate" Avery whined behind me.

I was over at my parents' house helping them decorate for Halloween as we do every year as a family tradition. Avery was bugging me all day about the text she had sent Theo last night that he never responded to.

"Avery. You didn't even say anything decorate you literally just said, 'hey, are you still awake?' I don't see the big issue. I'm sure he was already asleep" I said, pulling orange lights out of a box.

"Yeah, but it sounded so icky. I wish I could turn back time and tell myself not to do something" she groaned, following me to the living room where I was getting ready to hang the lights.

"Avery, I promise you; you didn't say anything icky. I'm sure he fell asleep, and just didn't think to answer you when he woke up" I said, ganging the lights as best as I possibly could before plugging them in and sighing in success at myself.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just kind of bummed that he never even responded" she said, frowning.

"Avery, he just came back in town. Give him some time to unwind" I said, rolling my eyes at her. I chose not to let Avery know that he texted me only because, it really didn't matter, and he texted me immediately after I left and never said anything else. For my own selfish reasons, I was actually glad that he never responded to Avery.

"Yeah, I guess. Hey, maybe I can see if he wants to hang out today!" She exclaimed pulling out her phone.

"That's a great idea!" I said sarcastically. Avery rolled her eyes at me, setting her phone down on the kitchen island. "You know if someone asks someone else's advice, they at least consider taking it before making their decision."

"Well, I did consider it and made a decision based on it" she said before rummaging through the fridge and plopping a grape in her mouth, "and I never asked for your advice you sort of just gave it" she shrugged, plopping a couple more grapes in her mouth.

We finished up putting Halloween decorations up at my parents' house, them giving me whatever they aren't using so I could put them up in my apartment. My apartment was actually a house converted into an apartment with an upstairs floor and a downstairs floor. I lived on the downstairs floor, my neighbor above me being a guy the same age as I, named Levi. We've talked here and there when going out to get the mail or the occasional awkward run ins that we've had when leaving to go to work. Anytime I wanted to have friends over or even have a party he was always super cool about it, just saying "don't forget to invite me to your parties" which in return I'd say, "I won't" and end up never inviting him anyway because of the awkwardness it would cause. He never got upset about it though, just always saying the same thing again.

I headed home, getting spam calls from Brielle about wanting to go out and do things on this "beautiful day" and how she was so extremely bored. After multiple attempts of trying to convince me, I finally gave in, agreeing to accompany her to a new bookstore that opened up near her apartment. I eventually headed out for the second time today, which I usually hate doing, and texted her to let her know I was there. Once I gave up on waiting for her response, I went ahead and walked into the store. The store was fairly big, multiple bookshelves lined around the store with labels of genres on the top shelves. In the very back was a quiet reading corner with fairy lights along the wall and very minimal light. It was definitely a cozy area, even some lounge chairs scattered about and little end tables with faux plants and tissue boxes. In the very back corner sat a small coffee shop with a couple people lined up at it.

"Chloe!" I heard my name being called from behind me. I turned around and saw Brielle walking towards me, a small coffee cup in her hand. "I am so sorry I didn't even see that you texted me" she said, linking our arms together and walking with me towards the front of the store.

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