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We both drink one cup after another, catching up with each others lives. After multiple drinks in, we both got a ride from Avery. Of course she's asked me numerous times why we were both extremely drunk, where I snuck off to the whole time and if i had sex with Theo. After pulling up to my house, Theo asked me if he could crash on my couch, him being way too drunk to try to listen to one of Brielle's lectures. Avery offered multiple times for him to stay at hers, but each time he politely declined until she finally gave up after I told her I was extremely tired and wanted to sleep instead of figure out where Theo was ending up for the night.

Once we got into my apartment, Theo immediately flopped on the couch, hugging onto a pillow before closing his eyes. I took this opportunity to change into my comfortable clothes and take my makeup off. Once I was done, I headed into the kitchen, deciding to make myself and Theo something to eat before we both fell asleep. I wasn't nearly as drunk as Theo was, but I was enough to know that my nerves had completely went down and I was actually okay with Theo sleeping here despite the couple of awkward interactions we've had lately.

"What're you making?" He questions before walking into the kitchen, pulling out a chair from the island and sitting down.

"I was thinking making some sandwiches and soup. Something quick and easy so that our stomachs are somewhat full" I say.

He scrunches his face before sticking his head down on the countertop. Once he pulls his face back up, I can't help but notice how he looks under the dim light. Despite drinking as much as he did tonight, he still managed to look handsome. Although he looked handsome, he also looked like he was going to throw up at any given moment.

"You okay?" I ask, speaking a couple slices of turkey on a piece of bread.

"I'm fine. Nauseous, splitting headache, body aches and shivers, but other than that fine" he says. Theo groans as he sticks his head in his hands. I can tell that he's sobering up very slightly at this point.

"Well here, try to eat this" I say, putting the sandwich I had just made on a plate in front of him.

"Thanks" he mumbles before taking a bite out of it, swallowing it and looking at me in disgust. "What the hell did you put on this?" He questions, lifting the top piece of bread up to inspect the sandwich.

"Turkey, cheese and mustard?" I say, it coming out as more of a question.

"Chloe" Theo says, fake gagging.

"What? What's wrong with it?"

"Mustard? You actually use mustard?" He laughs before sliding the plate back my way. I furious my eyebrows before getting prepared to make another one for him.

"Yes. It's good" I huff.

"You're disgusting" he scrunches his nose, " I can't believe you actually like that stuff."

"Oh whatever. Here" I stick the new plate with the new sandwich on it before sliding it to him.

"Thanks Chloe" he says before inhaling the sandwich. After he swallows his last bite, he stands up, putting the plate in the sink, now right behind me and extremely close. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" He asks.

I can practically feel his body heat from how close we were. Since I live in an apartment, the proximity between us was very close given that my kitchen is super small. I could feel myself getting nervous again, but not as stirring since I still had a pretty good amount of alcohol in my system. "Yeah, I did, did you?" I ask, trying to sound as confident as possible. I focus on another sandwich, taking my time before whipping around, going to grab a can from the pantry but accidentally bumping chest to chest with Theo.

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