One more cybertronia (Chapter 14)

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Side note, it was 12,000 agon since primus became a planet and the primes are around 11,078 years old)

Megatronus pov

After he said "let's go", Vector teleported us outside the ship to an inn. The inn looked really nice and simple at the same time so it was probably at the end of the village. 'Well that's good' I thought. There was a young femmine that looked around 900 who was in the check in.

"Hello" solus said to the femmine

"Oh hello what brings you here today. She relied

"I was wondering if there are any rooms available" he asked politely to her

"Yes there are rooms available here, how many rooms?" She asked

"Just two please"

'Wait two?' I wondered. 'Who else is going to stay with him?' The lady grabbed some keys on a hanger and then gave them to solus.

"They open room 9&12"

"Thank you ma'am" I said

"Oh um, I go my they and them" she said correcting me

"Oh I apologized for mispronouncing your pronouns" I said

"It's no worries" they replied with a smile on their face

After that all eight of us headed towards where 9 & 12 were. It took a little bit since the rooms were outdoors but we found them. Though the struggle was worth it. The rooms were beautiful. It was a yellowish color with painted purple, pink and blue flowers in the walls. Then there was a balcony where you could see the border between the realms.

"So" prime began after we went into room 12 while Ulchatr was in room 9, "who else is staying here with him"

"Thirteenth" solus replied

"Really? Are you sure he's good for the job" vector asked

"He'll be fine besides he needs more practice at protecting then destroying" solus answered

"I mean it's true" onyx replied

"Most definitely" mironus added

"Well then its decide, he's going to stay here with ulchatr" nexus spoke up

We all nodded at nexus' statement, agreeing that he needed this more than anyone here. Souls then sat up from the berth she was sitting on and left the room. 'Huh wonder where he went' I shrugged and decided that I needed to recharge. I got on the berth and then fell into a recharge quickly.

Thirdteens pov

I was out in the town square running from cybertronian. They wanted to ask me questions about primus and what we are going to do about the other realm but I was allowed to tell them our plan. I was terrible at keeping secrets so I ran. Unfortunately they ran after me. 'Do they know that I can't run forever' I thought. That was probably their plan, to tire me out then ask questions.

"Ahhh" I screamed.

There was a hole underneath me that I didn't notice and I fell into it. Bam. I hit my helm on the ground. Wait, it was softer than the ground with patterns on it. Ok so it's the floor not ground. I putted myself into a sitting position and was rubbing my helm.

"Come" the voice of prima said

"Huh" i replied

"Ugh" vector exclaimed then proceeded to hit me on the helm with a wrench. Where did he even get a wrench from?

"Ok, ok, ok, I'm ok now"I shouted

"Good" he said with a sigh behind him

"Never mind that we have a mission for you and primus agrees with us on this mission" prima stated

"Finally! A mission, what is it" i said with excitement in my voice

"You will be help the new guard of the border adjust here" he replied

"Really? That's it" I asked

"Yes now go to number 9" he said and waved me offSide note, it was 12,000 agon since primus became a planet and the primes are around 11,078 years old)

Megatronus pov

After he said "let's go", Vector teleported us outside the ship to an inn. The inn looked really nice and simple at the same time so it was probably at the end of the village. 'Well that's good' I thought. There was a young femmine that looked around 900 who was in the check in.

"Hello" solus said to the femmine

"Oh hello what brings you here today. She relied

"I was wondering if there are any rooms available" he asked politely to her

"Yes there are rooms available here, how many rooms?" She asked

"Just two please"

'Wait two?' I wondered. 'Who else is going to stay with him?' The lady grabbed some keys on a hanger and then gave them to solus.

"They open room 9&12"

"Thank you ma'am" I said

"Oh um, I go my they and them" she said correcting me

"Oh I apologized for mispronouncing your pronouns" I said

"It's no worries" they replied with a smile on their face

After that all eight of us headed towards where 9 & 12 were. It took a little bit since the rooms were outdoors but we found them. Though the struggle was worth it. The rooms were beautiful. It was a yellowish color with painted purple, pink and blue flowers in the walls. Then there was a balcony where you could see the border between the realms.

"So" prime began after we went into room 12 while Ulchatr was in room 9, "who else is staying here with him"

"Thirteenth" solus replied

"Really? Are you sure he's good for the job" vector asked

"He'll be fine besides he needs more practice at protecting then destroying" solus answered

"I mean it's true" onyx replied

"Most definitely" mironus added

"Well then its decide, he's going to stay here with ulchatr" nexus spoke up

We all nodded at nexus' statement, agreeing that he needed this more than anyone here. Souls then sat up from the berth she was sitting on and left the room. 'Huh wonder where he went' I shrugged and decided that I needed to recharge. I got on the berth and then fell into a recharge quickly.

Thirdteens pov

I was out in the town square running from cybertronian. They wanted to ask me questions about primus and what we are going to do about the other realm but I was allowed to tell them our plan. I was terrible at keeping secrets so I ran. Unfortunately they ran after me. 'Do they know that I can't run forever' I thought. That was probably their plan, to tire me out then ask questions.

"Ahhh" I screamed.

There was a hole underneath me that I didn't notice and I fell into it. Bam. I hit my helm on the ground. Wait, it was softer than the ground with patterns on it. Ok so it's the floor not ground. I putted myself into a sitting position and was rubbing my helm.

"Come" the voice of prima said

"Huh" i replied

"Ugh" vector exclaimed then proceeded to hit me on the helm with a wrench. Where did he even get a wrench from?

"Ok, ok, ok, I'm ok now"I shouted

"Good" he said with a sigh behind him

"Never mind that we have a mission for you and primus agrees with us on this mission" prima stated

"Finally! A mission, what is it" i said with excitement in my voice

"You will be help the new guard of the border adjust here" he replied

"Really? That's it" I asked

"Yes now go to number 9" he said and waved me off

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