A Witch | Niklaus Mikaelson ft.

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https://pin.it/nlYM6TEMt This here is the Pinterest storyboard of your house. Not 100% but it's a rough idea of what I picture it to be.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoy this one. I'm thinking that this story could have another part or maybe I could make it longer so the Mikaelson's could be more introduced to the world of Harry Potter. Let me know what you guys think!!

Warnings: Violence, I think that's about it


     Between the ages of when you were young enough to know any better and up until you were 14, you always thought you were related to Harry Potter. I mean, you grew up with him, treated like him. You also had magical powers just like him. But in your third year, everything came to light when you met your Dad, Sirius Black. However, you still treated Harry like a brother because that's all you knew; he was your Dad's godson.

But you reconnected with your Dad over the years and got to know him more. And he taught you about your Mum who died at your birth.

And then, he died. And all because of Bellatrix Lestrange.

After the war at Hogwarts, you decided to move away and start a new life. And that's when you came upon the town of Mystic Falls.

You instantly fell in love with it and the town folk were nice and welcoming. And so, you bought a nice country cottage just on the outside of town. You also bought a bookshop right in the town centre. And you loved it. You still had visitors from your friends like Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and his family, Hermione Granger and even Draco Malfoy. Draco and yourself had been friends back in Hogwarts, even though the golden trio didn't enjoy it that much, but you never let them come in between the two of you.

You also made new friends with the people who lived in the town like Liz Forbes and her daughter, Caroline Forbes. Elena Gilbert, Damon and Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett. And even when the Mikaelson's came to town, you met Rebekah and the two of you hit it off quickly.

And that's how you met her brother, Niklaus.

He wasn't liked by many people and you understood why but at the same time, you've met many bad people and he was better then a lot of the others. He had also been nothing but nice towards you so you really had no reason to be mean to him.

You never told a soul about your past or what you were though. Not even the Mikaelson's. Niklaus had a crush on you and you had one on him and it kind of terrified you. You wanted to date but you didn't want to drag them into the world you knew.

Niklaus tried hard for you to go on a date with him. And you tried your best to resist him before you finally broke and let him take you on a date. And it was as magical as you thought it would be but it terrified you at the same time. You weren't even sure what there was to be afraid of.

But after the first date it turned into a second date which turned into a third date and so on before it took until the fifth date when Niklaus officially asked you to be his girlfriend. You couldn't say no. You liked him too much. And so you agreed.

You didn't move out of your home to live with him though. Nor did he move into yours. Though at times it felt like we moved in with each other since we were together quite often.

He would also hang around you when you were working in your bookshop. He was like your own personal body guard, not that you had any weird people come in but if you did you knew he'd be there to help you if you needed it.

It was getting harder and harder to keep your magical side a secret though. You knew you'd have to tell him at some point but you weren't sure when or how.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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