Lilies Are Red

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"Why is she not healing?"

Marco exclaimed as Charlotte stood next to him. She turned to face the cullens, who were unable to look at her.

Marco, holding onto Cada's lifeless body and feeling regret for the things he said to her that he did not fully mean, was reflecting his grief in the drizzle and downpour.

"why isn't she healing? You should ask the cullens, after everything sycada did for you this is how you repaid her!"

Charlotte argued while glancing at Bella, who was sobbing quietly. Her soul was being punctured by regrett.

"She will wake up, right?"It is just a small wound, Sycada. Please open your eyes...I hate how stubborn you are; please listen to me for once.

Marco sobbed.

All of the wolves gathered around in human form bowed their heads.

"You took everything away from her! Killing her eight years wasn't enough! Sycada has faith in every one of you! What is the deal with the long face? Heh? She's dead! Celebrate!"

Charlotte yelled at them as Gomez knelt down and looked at Marco.

"I failed to save her."

Placing his hands on cada's arms, Marco sobbed. Cada was too much for Marco to let go of, so he would not let go.

"Marco let her go."

Gomez spoke in a quiet voice.

Renesme rushed toward Cada's body, but Charlotte shoved her back. Gomez eventually picked up Cada's bridal style.

"We are sorry, Gomez."

Carlilse claimed that as Gomez disregarded him and planted a kiss on Cada's forehead, he attempted to contain the tears that welled up but was unable to stop them from spilling out of his eyes.

The blood from the corpse was all over Marco's hands as he stood up and turned to face Remenesse, who gave him a nod.

Marco trailed behind Gomez as he left. Charlotte cast a sidelong glance at embre, who had Sheena by his side.

As she turned to leave, Ember ran out and grabbed her hands. The feeling of his warm body against hers made Charlotte want to cry in his arms.

"Charlotte, please do not leave; we can work it out!" Please give me another chance because I can not live with myself if you left."

Embre pleaded. Charlotte lifted her gaze to meet his, then leaned in to give him a peck on the cheeks.

"You lost me as soon as you imprinted on Sheena; you will always choose your kind."

Eembre's eye began to well up with tears as Charlotte spoke softly and glanced at the Cullens.

"Goodbye, embre."

She continued, holding her chest as she turned around and left, tears streaming down her cheeks as she heard a loud howl coming from the forest.

While everyone was moving in unison, a black Lamborghini pulled up in front of them.

"Let us head home."

With the doors open, Jane spoke. As soon as Gomez was in front of him, Marco turned to face the county.

"Farewell, Marco."

Gomez said as marco hold his jaws, he didn't say a word as the car took off, he kicked the ground and super speed to his house.

Not only was the pain he was in excruciating, but the heavy rain continued. He did not know what to make of it since he had never felt such pain.

He fell to his knees in self-hug as he felt the weight of her absence. He could not forgive himself for mistreating Sycada, despite the fact that she was a survivor; now that she was gone, all he could feel was sorrow and regret.

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