43. can't sleep

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"sorry about that, just ignore him" seonghwa said to wooyoung as they entered their room. wooyoung sat on one of the beds and looked at seonghwa, "why is he like that? did i do something wrong?". the whole ride, wooyoung was thinking of all, if any, possible solutions as to why yunho didn't like him. maybe yunho thought wooyoung was rude for not approaching him. he just couldn't figure it out.

"you didn't do anything" seonghwa sat next to wooyoung, "he's just extra careful when it comes to san". wooyoung frowned, "why?". seonghwa looked down, "he's always been like that. they're just really close, like, they tell each other everything and i guess san not telling yunho about you made him upset".

"but why's he mad at me?" wooyoung pressed. in all honesty, the whole thing seemed ridiculous. it's not wooyoung's fault san decided to keep wooyoung a secret. san shouldn't have done it in the first place if that was how his best friend reacted.

"yunho's just misdirecting his anger. he's upset with san, not you" seonghwa gave wooyoung a smile, "but you seem like a good guy and yunho will figure that out soon enough. and when he does, i'll make sure he apologizes".

wooyoung looked down and began to twiddle with his fingers, something he does more often that he would like, "and are you upset with san?". 

seonghwa shook his head, "i was surprised at first. i mean, san is not the type to make new friends, but i like you, so i'm happy you're friends with san". 

"you don't know me, how can you like me?" wooyoung asked, it was the same thing he wondered about with san. obviously, seonghwa didn't like wooyoung the same way san did but it was something he found strange. wooyoung thought he was a decent person at best, but he didn't think he was likeable. maybe that was why he only had yeosang until recently.

seonghwa looked a wooyoung confused, "i don't know. you seem nice and i trust san's judgement. do i have to know you that well to consider you a good person?". wooyoung shrugged, "i guess not. i'm just not used to hearing that".

seonghwa placed an arm around wooyoung's shoulders, "you're a good guy, wooyoung. i hope you know that". wooyoung let out a small smile. he wasn't sure about yunho, but seonghwa was really nice. 

"thanks, seonghwa".

it was around two in the morning and wooyoung could not sleep. he spent the rest of the day in the room with seonghwa, just talking mostly. him and yeosang were planning on making food for everyone, but they were tootired so they settled for takeout instead. everyone came out to the dining table to eat when the food arrived except for yunho and san. wooyoung tried not to think too much of it, san was the one who drove everyone so he had to be exhausted. still, wooyoung secretly hoped that san came so he could see him again.

after turning a few more times, wooyoung decided to get up. maybe a drink and some walking around would help him feel tired again. wooyoung looked over at seonghwa, who was fast asleep on his bed, and gently got up and tip-toed out of the room.

the cabin was silent, as expected since everyone was asleep. in the dark, wooyoung slowly walked towards the kitchen. opening the fridge, wooyoung grabbed a bottle of water. he wanted to look around the cabin more, since he hadn't had much of a chance to. 

it wasn't the smartest idea wooyoung had, since he didn't want to turn on any of the lights in case someone woke up, so he was walking around in the dark. he stopped at a glass door that led to a balcony view of the forest.

while wooyoung wasn't the biggest fan of nature, he had to admit that the area they were staying at was beautiful. he opened the door and almost stepped out when he realized someone was already there, sitting on one of the chairs on the balcony.

although he could only see the back of the person, wooyoung knew it was san. he found himself shamelessly staring at san's back, wooyoung didn't know why he didn't just turn around and go back to his room. they barely spoke and wooyoung hadn't seen san the whole day. he should have been relieved to be away from san, but wooyoung found himself missing san. 

he must have been staring for too long because san turned back to the door and instantly locked eyes with wooyoung. san looked exhausted, his clothes were all wrinkled and his hair was a mess. this confused wooyoung because the whole time he thought san was resting.

"wooyoung" san said his name so sweetly and gave him the warmest smile, "why are you awake?". wooyoung stepped out, "i could ask you the same thing". san chuckled and patted the seat next to him.

"i usually can't sleep the first night in a new place" san admitted as wooyoung sat down, "what about you?". wooyoung looked down, suddenly very interested with the bottle in his hand, "i was thirsty".

san nodded and rested his head on wooyoung's shoulder. wooyoung turned to san confused, "what's wrong?". san shook his head, "nothing, i just missed you", he wrapped an arm around wooyoung's waist and pulled their bodies closer together.

this is where wooyoung would freeze up or push san away, but wooyoung didn't do that this time. maybe it was the atmosphere, or the exhuastion, or the way san's breath hit on wooyoung's neck that made wooyoung close his eyes and enjoy the warmth san brought him. 

"how do you like the cabin?" san asked. "it's nice, the rooms are pretty cozy". san turned his head slightly to look at wooyoung, "i bet it would be cozier if you roomed with me", he lifted his eyebrows playfully and wooyoung could only hope san didn't feel his heart rate increasing rapidly.

"i like having seonghwa as a roommate though". san removed his arms from wooyoung and sat up suddenly, making wooyoung frown. "you shouldn't get too close to seonghwa, wooyoung".

"why not? he's nice and i like him" wooyoung defended. san pouted and leaned back in his seat, "i don't like seeing you close to other people".

now wooyoung was really glad that san wasn't hugging him anymore, "i can have other friends, san". wooyoung didn't know why he was defending himself, they weren't even dating. but something about the way san looked at that moment made wooyoung want to make sure san know that he saw seonghwa as a friend.

"of course you can" san still looked a bit unsure but nonetheless, he placed his arms around wooyoung again, "but i think i just want you to myself". wooyoung cleared his throat awkwardly because he really didn't know how to reply to that. he couldn't get used to san's boldness.

san sighed and tightened his grip, "i'm really happy that you're here" he mumbled into wooyoung's neck, "i wouldn't have been able to spend a whole week without you". wooyoung squinted his eyes at san, "that's hard to believe considering i didn't hear about the trip from you".

san lifted his head, "sorry" he said sheepishly, "i didn't want to overwhelm you but it worked out either way, didn't it?". wooyoung rolled his eyes, "whatever", he removed san's hands and stood up, "i'm going back to sleep". 

"no, wait" san grabbed onto wooyoung's arm, "i'm sorry, i should have told you. don't be mad at me". wooyoung pursed his lips and sat back down, "i'm not mad at you" he muttered. wooyoung always felt so out of character with san. it's like when he's with san, he becomes a whole new person.

san smiled and wooyoung's heart instantly melted. wooyoung was different when he was with san, but it wasn't a bad thing. 

in fact, wooyoung really liked who he was when he was with san.

taste of desire - woosanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora