44. lost & found

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wooyoung realized very quickly that he should have stayed home. being around someone who didn't like him was something wooyoung could tolerate but waking up at the crack of dawn on a supposed vacation was absolutely unacceptable.

he was in the kitchen with yeosang, packing up sandwiches, drinks, and other snacks while the others were getting ready for the hike. apparently it's best to start hiking early and jongho made that clear when he woke everyone up.

"i don't want to go" wooyoung yawned while wrapping up a sandwich. he was placing it in yunho's bag and he had such an urge to spoil the sandwich in some way. maybe that'd make him nicer, but yeosang was right next to him and he really couldn't stand a scolding from him at this hour.

"why are you always whining? i thought you'd be happy, you know, with san here" yeosang muttered the last part and wooyoung blushed. thinking about last night brought wooyoung warm, fuzzy feelings and he wasn't mad about it. they didn't do much, just talked a bit and cuddled together, but being with san just made everything wooyoung found intolerable suddently tolerable.

"i'm not whining, i'm tired. it's pitch black out there, how the fuck are we supposed to see anything?" wooyoung was most definately whining and he knew it, but he didn't care. in his mind vacations were supposed to be relaxing, something that helps you recharge so when they all return next week, they'll feel refreshed when they go back to work. hiking was most definately not relaxing and wooyoung was not looking forward to sepnding hours walking in the forest.

yeosang rolled his eyes, "the sun's going to come up soon and we have flashlights. maybe if you stop nitpicking, you'd actually have some fun". wooyoung grumbled incoherent nothings, "easy for you to say, everyone likes you, especially jongho. you two are awfully close". yeosang cleared his throat and looked away, "i guess" he shrugged off but wooyoung swore he saw blush appear on yeosang's cheeks.

"wait a second, do you like-"

"hey guys" san appeared, placing a hand on wooyoung's shoulder from behind, "thanks for making all the food, we're really going to need it!".

usually wooyoung would crinkle his face in disgust at how cheery san was acting, but he was too focused on how nice san's hand felt on his shoulder.

"no problem, it's what we do best. right, wooyoung?" yeosang said, looking back at san, smiling as his eyes darting to san's hand. wooyoung blinked, "yeah" he muttered, his eyes slightly widening as san squeezed his shoulder.

"i'm gonna get dressed" yeosang mentioned as he brushed his hands, winking at wooyoung before he let him alone with san.

san glanced around them, making sure none of the other guys were nearby before wrapping an arm aroung wooyoung and leaning his chin on wooyoung's shoulder. wooyoung tensed up, "someone could see-"

"no one's around, relax" san interjected, placing a soft kiss on wooyoung's cheek, "you look tired". everything in wooyoung's mind was telling him to push san away, that someone could walk into them kitchen and see them and he so desperately wished he could listen but his body reacted the opposite way. he found himself leaning into san, his eyes fluttering closed as he enjoyed this moment.

"it's too early" wooyoung whined and san chuckled, holding wooyoung tighter, "next time, i'll let you sleep" he promised. san moved his mouth closer to wooyoung's ear, "but i loved being with you last night" he whispered, making wooyoung shudder.

wooyoung's heart raced at san's words. "you did?" he whispered back, his voice barely audible.

san nodded against his shoulder, his breath warm against wooyoung's skin. "of course I did. being with you is always the best part of my day," he confessed, his tone soft and sincere.

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