Chapter 36: Collision Course! Infamous Criminal

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As the days continued to slip away, Alex found himself consumed by the task of crafting a poem for Andrea. He scoured through dictionaries, thesauruses, and even online resources, searching for the perfect synonyms and phrases to capture his feelings. Each failed attempt added to his mounting frustration and sense of defeat.

The pressure of impending doom weighed heavily on Alex's shoulders. Despite his earnest efforts to warn others, including Elton, about the looming threat, he was met with disbelief and dismissal. Elton, who had once been a close friend, now grew increasingly irritated and impatient with Alex's persistent warnings.

Their conversations turned into heated debates, with Elton vehemently denying the reality of Alex's visions. "It's just a dream, Alex!" Elton would insist, frustration evident in his voice. "Stop worrying about things that aren't real!"

Alex, feeling isolated and misunderstood, tried to explain the urgency of his premonitions, but his words fell on deaf ears. The rift in their friendship widened as Elton's skepticism turned into harsh criticisms and hurtful accusations.

With only one day left before the fateful events Alex had foreseen, he couldn't shake off the feeling of impending disaster. The poem for Andrea remained unfinished, a poignant symbol of his struggles and the looming uncertainty that hung over him.

Alex's frustration reached a boiling point as he slammed his head on the table, tears welling up in his eyes. The weight of his inability to express himself in poetry, especially for someone as special as Andrea, was crushing.

"Andrea... I'm no poet," Alex muttered to himself, his voice tinged with defeat. "Despite your countless poems, I can't understand them... but I know that they are filled with emotions... emotions that I'm too dumb to understand!"

He remained in that state of despair throughout the morning, ignoring the usual routine of the morning speech and breakfast. Farfetch'd, noticing Alex's absence, entered his room accompanied by a grumpy Elton, who had been annoyed about Alex and the poem.

Farfetch'd's patience wore thin as he urged Alex to fulfill his responsibilities. With a sharp whack from his leek, Farfetch'd insisted that Alex complete the mission assigned to Team Awesome and not return until it was done. This stern directive was enough to jolt Alex into action, reluctantly packing up with Elton and heading out to face the day's challenges.


The tension between Alex and Elton reached its peak as they completed the mundane mission in Sonic Jungle. Despite their success, their friendship was strained, and their arguments had escalated from harmless bickering to hurtful insults.

"I've had it, Elton!" Alex exclaimed, his frustration boiling over. "This isn't about me, which is rich coming from the proud Treecko himself! I was always supporting you! Even when I helped you avenge your parents!"

"Dude, what gives?!" Elton retorted sharply, his tone laced with venom. "All I want is for you to step outside and touch grass since you've been cooped up in there for days like a stupid loner! Come on! And don't bring my parents into this!"

Their heated exchange highlighted not only their differences but also the strain that had developed between them, threatening to overshadow their bond.

As the heated argument between Alex and Elton escalated, their voices clashed in a cacophony of anger and frustration. Insults flew back and forth, each word cutting deeper into their friendship and trust.

Suddenly, a commanding voice boomed from the nearby bushes, cutting through the tension like a knife. "Shut up!" The single phrase echoed through the Sonic jungle, silencing both Alex and Elton instantly. They turned toward the source of the voice, eyes wide with surprise and fear.

Stepping out from the foliage emerged a badly bruised shiny figure with an imposing presence, radiating an aura of authority and danger. It was Kevin the shiny Absol, known far and wide as a notorious criminal with a reputation for ruthlessness and killings.

The sight of Kevin sent a shiver down Elton's spine, and he stammered in fear, "Th-the infamous criminal..."

Alex, equally shaken, managed to voice his concern, "Team Radiant... what have you done to them?"

Kevin's expression remained stern and unreadable as he approached the pair, causing them to instinctively step back, the fear palpable in the air.

"You two have caused enough chaos," Kevin declared, his voice resonating with authority. "Now, keep quiet and listen."

The gravity of Kevin's words silenced Alex and Elton, their previous argument fading into insignificance in the face of this new threat.

Just then, Kevin's attention shifted as he noticed a small Azurill timidly approaching Team Awesome. The contrast between Kevin's intimidating presence and the innocent Azurill was stark, highlighting the complexity of the situation unfolding before them.

"Aren't you far from home, little one?" Kevin inquired, his tone softer but still tinged with authority, causing the Azurill to tremble nervously.

As Kevin's presence continued to unnerve everyone, Alex and Elton momentarily put aside their differences. Elton began charging up his Agility for the Ultimate combo, while Alex stood protectively in front of the trembling young Azurill, ready to stall.

"I am not here for trouble, I need help." Kevin began, but his words were misinterpreted as a threat given the tense atmosphere.

"Turn yourself in! We want peace!" Alex interjected, his voice quivering with fear. He couldn't bear the thought of Kevin causing harm.

Kevin rolled his eyes at the misunderstanding. "I'm not here to harm anyone. I just need some help finding someone," he clarified.

However, before Kevin could finish his sentence, Alex cut him off, wary of any ulterior motives. "No! Are you just going to kill him? Absolutely not!"

Kevin's frustration grew evident as he struggled to get a word in. Just as he was about to explain further, Elton, fully charged with Agility, was poised and ready to execute the ultimate combo.

As they zipped past Kevin, Alex and Elton unleashed a flurry of attacks and Blast Seeds, creating a thick veil of smoke that obscured the battlefield.

When the smoke cleared, Alex and Elton's smiles quickly faded as they saw Kevin emerge unscathed, his expression now one of irritation.

"H-h-hh-h-how?!" Elton stuttered in fear, unable to comprehend Kevin's resilience.

Alex stood in stunned silence, unable to find words.

"I have endured the worst things ever, battled the most wretched creatures," Kevin roared angrily, his voice cutting through the tension. "All of that has made me tolerant and resistant to weak attacks like yours!"

In a cold and lifeless tone, Kevin added, "My turn," before swiftly executing a Psycho Cut that knocked Alex and Elton unconscious, sending them flying.

The commotion attracted Team Light, who arrived just in time to witness Kevin's power. They yelled for backup, but Kevin effortlessly dispatched them and the entire guild that soon arrived, including Guildmaster Altaria.

"Argh! I don't have all day!" Kevin bellowed at the defeated bodies strewn around him before he departed, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

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