slow and steady wins the race

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The next morning you woke up three minutes before your alarm went off. Agitated, you laid in bed and gathered your thoughts. The memory of the night before fluttered past your mind. You mulled over it, replaying the little shared moments of eye contact, giggles, and how warm his hands felt through the bandages.

"Definitely too much too fast" you thought. With this you finally got up, meandering towards your kitchen. Lee was definitely a sweetheart, but things that start fast tend to end fast too. And being stuck on a team with an ex-situationship would be hell. It's better you just stay friendly, and maybe see how things are in a couple months.

The last bit of coffee was sputtering out of your Keurig into your chipped mug. You looked around your apartment.  It seemed so empty, there was a table and two chairs to one side, an old couch, a metal bedframe with your mattress, and green rayon curtains covering the windows. All this had been provided when you'd moved in (sans your mattress) and despite it all, your apartment still had the uncomfortable echo of a house that wasn't a home.
You began to make note of the things you'd need.
'A mat at the front door..' you sipped your coffee, 'and a rug in the living room, maybe for my bedroom too.'
Mug in hand, you wandered into your room, still assessing your surroundings. 'a chifferobe for my clothes, and a- uhg shit my clothes.'

Your wardrobe was limited as previously mentioned. You had enough clothes to rotate through a week with regular washes, but there's not much room for creativity in that.
'Now that I'm for sure staying in the Leaf, I've got to get some better clothes.'
This felt like your que to get dressed.

Fit check (or imagine your own idk)🔥

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Fit check (or imagine your own idk)🔥

You threw your hair up into a messy bun, securing it in place with a mechanical pencil. And with this you were out the door.
Despite your conversation with yourself that morning, the thought of seeing Lee again was exciting! You hadn't felt like this in a long time.

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