Lee's perspective again🔥

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Listen to this while you read if you're a baddie (if it doesn't load it's crimson and clover by Tommy James & The Shondells)

I was broken from my trance by Y/N. before I knew what had happened I was up on my feet, stuttering while spewing nonsensical greetings to her. It seemed to me as though my thoughts of her had called her here, almost like magic.

She was so beautiful, the soft white hoodie she was wearing was billowed over her shoulders like a cozy cloud. The sleeves fell over her hands so that only her fingers showed. She was wearing jeans and a baggy hoodie. Completely impractical for any form of taijutsu. Yet, I couldn't make myself doubt her competence.

As she stretched in preparation for the day, I delighted in making her laugh. Occasionally, she'd laugh so hard she'd let out a little snort. I could tell it embarrassed her, but it made my heart flutter. There was no use, I wanted Y/N to like me. She was the most wonderful kind of girl, and I never wanted to stop hearing that cute laugh and little snort.

"Are you ready to begin practice, Lee?" She said, flashing a quick, sugar sweet smirk.

"Of course Y/N!" I said, bouncing back onto my feet and getting into position. "Come at me!" I grinned, and I expected her to charge towards me. But in an instant, she was gone.

She was clever, but she had one thing working against her. This being, that I knew that training field like the back of my hand. I sensed her watching me serenely from a tree, and in a flash I came up behind her.

I intended to knock her down to the ground, where I could pin her down, and in the end claim this victory. But being behind her like that? I didn't have the heart to use such force against her, it didn't seem fair.

I placed my left hand on her chest, to cushion her fall, and I felt her heart beat through my bandages. When we hit the ground, I could tell she was out of her element. Holding her right arm against her back while I sat above seemed so improper.

It seemed strange to me that she had not attempted a ninjutsu or genjutsu against me yet, I would have expected her to use the substitution jutsu when I found her in the tree. It seemed as though she was either hiding her jutsu up her sleeve, or that she too only had taijutsu.

She freed her right arm from my grasp, using her billowy sleeves to her advantage to slip away from me. I attempted to reinstate my hold on her wrist, but in a flash she had flipped around.

Was she blushing?

No. She was exercising, it is normal for ones face to become red when exercising! But it is true what they say, girls don't sweat, they sparkle.
She took advantage of my momentary weakness, capturing one of my own kunai from me. She reached up, placing it at my throat. Instead of trying to take it from her, I got off.

Before we re-engaged in battle, Gai Sensei interrupted.

although I was glad to see Gai Sensei, I was disappointed that I didn't get to finish my duel with Y/N. I could tell there was more to her then our measley scrap, and I was determined to know what she held back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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