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That was the night of celebration in entire Ayodhya. The evening sky was painted with a myriad of colors as fireworks illuminated the horizon. The bustling city streets were adorned with vibrant decorations, and the air was filled with the scent of incense and the sound of devotional music. People from all walks of life had gathered to celebrate a special occasion— the coronation announcement of Ram.

At the heart of the royal palace, stood the magnificent Vishnu temple, where the grand Puja was to be held. Maharshi Vashista himself was leading the sacred rituals. The temple's towering spires were aglow with diyas, casting a warm, golden light on the festivities below. Influential figures from all corners of the kingdom mingled with the common folk, sharing stories and exchanging blessings.

Inside the temple, the air was charged with anticipation. Maharani Kaushlya's eyes were shimmering with joy as she oversaw the preparations. This Puja held great significance, not only because of the coronation announcement but also because it marked the family reunion after fourteen years. The entire royal family stood together in harmony under one roof after fourteen years.

Outside, the streets came alive with music and dance. Colorful processions paraded through the city, with dancers in vibrant costumes and musicians playing joyful tunes. The night was filled with laughter and camaraderie, as the people of Ayodhya celebrated the promise of beginning of a new era under Ram's rule... The Ram rajya of their dreams.
It was a night that would be remembered for generations to come, a night of hope, unity, and celebration. It was the night of first 'deepavali', the festival of diya.

After doing eachother's Shringar, Urmila entered in the temple by following Sita, with a sense of awe and joy. After fourteen long years, she was finally dressed in the vibrant silks and shimmering jewelry that had once been her everyday attire. The feeling of the delicate fabrics against her skin was almost foreign, but her excitement was palpable. It was a moment she had been waiting for—a reunion of family, all gathered under one roof.

As she looked around, a surge of happiness filled her heart. The scene was a tapestry of lively interactions and warm embraces, which she had been only dreaming to see in the painful days of separation. Bharat and Mandvi were bickering playfully about whose outfit looked best, their voices were filling the temple with a light-hearted energy. Nearby, Shatrughna and Shrutkirti were lighting a single  Diya together, their eyes were meeting in a glance and making them blush, as if they have just met eachother yesterday and immediately fell in love.

Sumitra was bustling about, giving instructions to the maids and workers, ensuring everything was perfect for the occasion. Her demeanor was as energetic as ever, her presence was a comforting constant in the midst of change. Kaushalya was focused on the ongoing Puja, ensuring that the rituals were performed with the utmost devotion. In contrast, Kaikeyi was meticulously adjusting Ram's hair and attire, her touch gentle yet precise, like how a mother does, when her son becomes a groom. Manthara, who was already set free from prison by Ram himself , stood beside Kaikeyi. Her expression softened by the happiness that filled the room. And Lakshman..... Where was Lakshman?

Urmila looked around for a while but couldn't find a glimpse of her Saumitra. The Puja was almost done and her heart ached by his absence, which was not tolerable for her anymore. But before she could inqure further, Ram reached out to her.

Urmila's attention was immediately drawn to Ram as soon as she heard him calling her name. As she approached, Ram's expression lit up, and he gestured toward the figure standing beside him.
"Urmila, I want to introduce someone to you. meet the person without whom it would've been impossible for me to win over Lanka. He was instrumental in helping me find Sita and played a crucial role in saving Lakshman's life. Meet my dearest friend, who is as much a brother to me as Bharat—meet Hanuman," -Ram said, his voice got filled with warmth and gratitude.

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