Chapter 166 - World Heroes Mission (Part Two)

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Akira is awoken once again by Midoriya beside her gently shaking her from her slumber. Seems like it's finally time. As she rubs her sleepy eyes, the tv monitor on the far side of the airplane comes to life, brightening the dark hull with a static blur, before displaying a dull, ominous, red light. A low tone hums, alerting all the heroes in the craft to turn to the tv screen, ready to listen in on this mission's objectives.

An unfamiliar voice speaks up from the monitor, getting right to the chase - he doesn't even bother to introduce himself. "The group claiming responsibility for the recent attack is known as: Humarise," the voice explains. She doesn't know this person relaying all the information, but she can only assume it's someone with great authority. The monitor then changes, revealing someone in cultist clothing and bright blue skin. He looks like a dangerously bizarre foe. "This radical sect was founded by Flect Turn. It seeks to save humanity from the so-called Quirk Doomsday Theory." The screen flicks to the bomb that was used to attack the city, killing thousands. "The attack used a Quirk activating substance, known as ideo-trigger, that was spread through the streets via devices we're dubbing 'trigger bombs'. The mission of the hero team we've gathered is to search the twenty-five known Humarise complexes so that these bombs can be destroyed. Intelligence suggests there's one device at each location. Arrest any Humarise members present and neutralize the payload. Be advised - you should expect heavy resistance. They may detonate the bombs once they realise we're moving. As such, we're not asking for local law enforcements to assist. This is the most urgent mission many of you have ever faced. All Might..."

Kira sits a little straighter, urging her drowsy mind to pay more attention at the mention of the former number one hero's name. 

"Heroes?" All Might's voice speaks to them through the tv, as it returns to its dulcet red colour. "The success or failure of this task rests on your shoulders. Let's give smiles back to citizens who are frightened by terrorism."

The monitor abruptly switches off and a siren suddenly blares loudly in the plane, nearly making Kira jump out of her skin. Her classmates on either side of her unclip their belts, so Kira follows their lead, freeing herself from the buckle and standing up. Endeavour and the sidekicks approach the back of the airplane, as the doors slide up and open, revealing the rushing winter wind into the hull. It's dark outside, the stars full and eye-level, as the craft continues to coast up in the sky. Kira and her friends approach the back of the plane, ensuring their gear is on appropriately and pull up their hoods. She can see her new gear in her peripheral vision, but keeps her sights locked on the open sky before her. 

"No time for a landing!" Endeavour bellows over the sound of the plane's engines and the rushing wind. He nods to Burnin' and his closest companions. "Team A - no matter what happens, collect the trigger bomb before it can be set off." He then points to the UA students and a group of other sidekicks. "Team B - take down these cultists and secure the facility. You're in charge of apprehending the leader: Flect Turn."

"Yes, sir!" Kira chants along with the others.

Endeavour quickly scans the ready heroes before leaping out the back of the plane and vanishing from sight. The next team steps forward, before plummeting out of the moving craft. Kira's feet move on the metal ramp, getting closer and closer to the edge, her heart hammering in her chest, pounding against her ribs. Heights never used to bother her, not really. Why should it when she has a Quirk that has the potential to save her from any nasty fall? The next group of sidekicks take a running start and leap out the back of the plane - that looks like a good idea, a running start.

Kira breathes out slow and heavy, closing her eyes briefly, before opening them with a refreshing hope of determination. Just don't overthink it. That's what Bakugou told her. A hand on her shoulder snaps her from her anxious mindset and she faces Midoriya. He offers her a warming smile, full of optimism and positivity that it's contagious.

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