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As sunlight gently filtered into the room, Aarushi stirred from her slumber, her hand instinctively reaching to shield her eyes from the brightness.

"Nitya ki bachhi, parda band kar!" she called out in her usual morning ritual, her voice carrying a mix of affection and amusement. Abhishek couldn't help but smile at the familiar refrain, a comforting reminder of the playful banter that colored her mornings with Nitya.

Already freshened up and getting ready for the day, Abhishek approached Aarushi with a single rose in hand, its delicate petals brushing against her cheek in a gentle caress.

"Good Morning, Love!" he greeted her with a tender kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering for a moment as he savored the intimacy of the moment.

With a groan, Aarushi finally stirred from her sleep-induced haze. "Oh, God! I overslept again," she lamented, a hint of exasperation in her voice as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's okay... But now that you're awake, get ready quickly, or Mom will give you a lecture," Abhishek teased, his tone light and playful as he nudged her to action.

Realising the urgency of the situation, Aarushi threw off the quilt and scrambled out of bed, her mind racing to catch up with the demands of the day.

"By the way, Aarushi... you were talking about Nitya yesterday, right? I was thinking, didn't something seem strange to you? I mean the wedding at a seven star with such minimal cost?"Abhishek interjected, his brow furrowing in thought as he broached a topic that had been weighing on his mind since their conversation the night before.

"Yeah, but Nitya mentioned that she spoke to Aniket herself, so I thought it might be some offer, and I didn't pay much attention to it," Aarushi replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she considered Abhishek's words.

"Understood, Aarushi, but still, think about it. Seven-star hotels don't usually do such things; they prioritize profit and then the proposal from Mr. Subodh," Abhishek pointed out, his voice laced with a note of skepticism.

Aarushi frowned, her thoughts drifting to the implications of Nitya's unexpected proposal.

"You're right. And Nitya was saying that her heart was inclined towards accepting this relationship... Is she landing herself in some kind of trouble?" she mused aloud, a sense of concern creeping into her voice.

"I think so," Abhishek shrugged, his expression mirroring her apprehension.

"We can find out... yes! Nishi is there... she and your brother can figure it out. I'll call her today," Aarushi suggested, a determined glint in her eye as she formulated a plan to unravel the mystery surrounding Nitya's sudden proposal.

"Sounds good, go ahead and call her," Abhishek agreed, his support unwavering as they embarked on their quest to uncover the truth behind Nitya's unexpected suitor.

Aarushi's call had summoned Nishi to her new home, a prospect that initially left her feeling hesitant on her sister's first day in the unfamiliar surroundings. However, upon learning of the importance of the matter, Nishi agreed, recognizing the significance of her presence in Aarushi's time of need.

"Sulekha, please open the door and see who's here," Nirmala instructed the maid as the doorbell chimed.

The maid promptly obeyed, revealing Nishi's familiar face as she stepped into the threshold.

"Namaste, aunty," Nishi greeted warmly as she entered, her smile genuine despite the slight apprehension she felt.

"Oh! What a pleasant surprise, Nishi... Have you come to meet Aarushi?" Nirmala inquired, her eyes lighting up with warmth at the sight of the young woman.

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