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Aarushi stood at the door with her luggage and Akshaj. Nishi was there to collect a few items her mother had asked her to bring to Nitya.

"What are you doing here, Di?" Nishi asked, puzzled by Aarushi's sudden appearance.

"The cab is waiting outside, go pay him," Aarushi instructed, her tone clipped, and marched inside.

"Strange!" Nishi commented, bemused by her sister's behavior, and went outside to pay the cabbie.

"Aarushi! What is all this luggage for?" Niharika asked, surprised to see her daughter with so much baggage and Akshaj in tow.

Aarushi handed Akshaj to her. "Mom, take care of him for a moment."

"What's going on, beta? Why did you suddenly bring all this luggage?" Niharika inquired, her concern evident.

"I'm here because of your son-in-law, Huh!" Aarushi exclaimed, her frustration palpable.

"Because of Abhi? But what did he do?" Niharika asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"What did he do... what didn't he do? Ask that," Aarushi retorted, her tone sharp with irritation.

"Mom, is there any tradition in the Rajhans family where one daughter goes to her in-laws and the other returns to her maternal home? Is there such a ritual?" Nishi teased Aarushi lightly, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Nishi, be quiet," Aarushi muttered, her annoyance evident. "You know, Mom, do you know what your dear son-in-law did?" she continued, explaining the situation to her mother.

"Oh! Beta, look, what Abhi said was wrong..." Niharika began, attempting to mediate, but she was cut off by Aarushi.

"He was wrong, Mom, I know. As soon as he realizes it, he'll come back. In fact, I bet he'll come to apologize today," Aarushi declared confidently, her determination shining through despite the frustration of the situation.


"I'm not going to apologize to her," Abhishek muttered, his frustration evident in his tone.

"Son, I understand your point, but..." Nirmala began, attempting to reason with him, but Abhishek cut her off.

"Mom, please, I don't want to listen to Aarushi's excuses. Mom, you know how irresponsible she is. I've ignored her foolishness until now, but not anymore. At least with Akshu, I won't let her get away with it," he declared, his determination unwavering.

"What did she do with Akshu?" Nirmala asked, her confusion deepening.

"What did she do? Ask what she didn't do. Remember the day you went to Delhi?" Abhishek questioned, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Abhishek recalled the events from the other day, his frustration resurfacing as he relived the memory.

Abhishek had just returned from the office. As he entered his room, he accidentally stepped on a toy that cracked under his foot. Looking around, he noticed the room was in disarray, as if it had been hit by a tsunami.

"Oh, God! Akshu's toy," he whispered, "But why is it on the floor?"

Akshaj was crying uncontrollably, but Aarushi seemed oblivious as she was busy on her phone with earphones plugged in. Abhishek approached her and removed her earphones.

"Hi! When did you come?" she asked.

"When did I come, Aarushi? You're completely unaware. Akshu has been crying for a while now," he said.

"I know he's crying," she said casually. Abhishek nodded in disbelief, placed his laptop bag aside, rolled up his sleeves, applied sanitizer, and picked up the kid.

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