GHOST : Nsfw alphabet ♡

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A - Aftercare

He'd either not know a single thing or it would be nearly as good as the sex. Honestly though I feel like he'd want to spend time with you after.

B - Body part

His favourite are your hands, more so your wrists. He loves to see the marks hes made, kiss them and smell your perfume (or cologne).

C - Cum

Not a fan of getting it everywhere, and he always asks you where you want it ect.

D - Dirty secret

Would love to fuck you afterhours. If your on watch duty, just standing there, he'll stroke himself. Just for the thrill, and the thought of getting caught, but wouldn't dare make it a reality for the threat of loosing both your jobs.

E - Experience

I'd say he definitley has some. Random hookups and past relationships, if anything he'll look up whatever you mention.

F - Favourite position

Missionary, need I say more?

G - Goofy

He won't really make jokes, maybe a few when you're out an about, but overall its quite serious. When he's teasing you he'll chuckle to himself, but thats about it.

H - Hair

He'll shave, but isnt overly worried. Other things are on both your minds.

I - intimacy

He'll tell you 'i love you' in his own words, it might take a while but he'll get there.

J - Jacking off

Honestly he wont do anything like that when he's close to you, but when he's away he'll hold a photo of you in his wallet so he always has your face with him., his hand is better than nothing.

K - Kinks

I've seen alot of suggestions saying hes sadistic, but i dont think so? Most he'll go would be ropes, maybe a knife, but thats it really.

L - Location

Either of your rooms preferably, or even either apartment, but if you're both on a mission, he'll find somewhere. Obviously when everything's done, or you two get a moment together.

M - Motivation

just your voice really, or the look in your eyes, really gets him going.

N - Nope

He'd never hurt you, purposely anyway. If you dont wanna do something he'd never force it upon you.

O - Oral

He's a giver. He likes recieving, but making you feel good is his number one priority.

P - Pace

Mix; loves to go slow, but will go fast when he feels its the right time.

Q - Quickie

He prefers not to, but because of your job (if you work with him) its the only thing you can really do.

R - Risky

Absoloutley not. His job is probably more important to him than you are, so getting caught or just being risky is absoloutley out of the question.

S - Stamina

Can last about 3-4 rounds on a good night, a little rest in between.

T - Toys

1st of all I think its prohibited on base, but 2nd imagining they arent, he'd be up for using a vibrator, but nothing more.

U - Unfair

Massive teaser, takes pride in the fact you need him to get off most of the time.

V - Volume

Not loud in general anyway, but you'll hear a few groans and he'll whisper things in your ear, especially when he's close.

W - Wildcard

He's possessive, not controlling; he definitley knows you can handle yourself however he'll happily wrap an arm around your waist at a bar or something when someones speaking to you.

X - X-ray

6.7 ", if he has hair its supposed to be there. Keeos it tidy ish

Y - Yearning

Around a 6/10, maybe 7, he likes to keep you waiting, but his job again, is the most important thing, so he cant loose focus

Z - Zzz

He doesnt sleep much anyway, so he'll wait for you to fall asleep before deciding what to do.

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