SOAP ; Be my girlfriend? (smut)

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Young Johnny x fem reader

Takes place at uni - I know he joined the military young just pretend he's on break or something.
Again I wrote this AGES ago, and it's really shit but I have writers block at the moment.

Anyway - enjoy.

[NAME] POV (reader's)

"Bye [name], I'll see you tomorrow." My friend, [friend's name] shouted as we went our seperate ways from school. I hadn't seen most of my friend group today, which was weird. Most of them were a year older, but I had some in the same year as me. I put my headphones on and began walking home.

"Hey, I'm home." I shouted to my mum when I stepped in. I got no response though which is unsual for her. I took my phone out and rung her.

"Mum, where are you?"

"Hey, sorry [name], I had to travel down to London to see your uncle. I wont be home until late tomorrow evening, order yourself a takeaway and make sure to get an early night, and no parties okay?"

"Oh, yeah okay, I hope he's okay. Bye."

I hung up, smiling. I was torn on the idea of a party or not, so I decided to order that takeaway. I thought I needed a night to myself, especially after a stressful day at school.

After the takeaway got delivered, I plsced my speaker in my bedroom and played some music, dancing around. I then layed down on my bed, and wiped sweat off my forehead. A slow song came on, and I notcied myself drifing in and out of a daydream; that soon became quite dirty.

My hand found it's way to the top of my (trousers), and ripped them off, I got up, and closed my curtains. I flung my shirt off, my body still swaying with the music.

Johnny's POV

I wasn't in today since me and some of the group decided to skip and just hang out at the beach house. I missed [name] and I have to admit, I do have a little crush on her. I thought she must be at home by now, because school ended at 3:30, so I decided to say goodbye to my friends and walk to hers.

It only took around half an hour, whish was fun and I definitley needed a bit of fresh air. I got to hers, and took my spare key she gave me in case of 'emergancies' out, and placed it in the keyhole. I twisted it, and slowly pushed the door open. I could hear faint, slow music coming from upstairs, and the lights were off. Weird. I thought, closing the door softly behind me.

"Hello?" I called out, looking in the open-space of the living room and kitchen, noticing no-one was there. I made my way to the staircase, following the music.

[NAME] POV (reader's)

By this point, I was completley stripped. The music was reaching to the good part, and so was I. My fingers thrusted inside of me, and my other hand gave my breasts attention. I was moaning loudly, unaware of the person in the house. I was getting closer, when the door to my room opened.

"What the fuck," I paused. "Johnny?" I shouted, my arms covering me. I noticed he stood there, a smirk crossing his face.

'Damn, I've always wanted to see that.' I kinda just sat there, unaware of what to do. He closed the door to my room, and walked towards me.

"Wait what are you..." He cut me off by kissing me, and layed me down on my back.

"Are you alright with this?" He asked. I felt my cheeks get warm as I nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah just kiss me please." I felt his hands slide up and down my waist to my thighs, drawing little circles every once in a while. He broke the kiss to take off his shirt, and then stood to take off the rest. I moved a little to make myself more comfortable as he was now completley naked, and was climbing on the bed. He kissed my neck, and then trailed down to my stomache, rising up again.

"Fuck. I've been waiting for this." I laughed, but the sound was quickly turned into a soft moan as I felt him push into me. My hands hung loose on his shoulders, as he put his hands either side of my head.

"it hurts." I tilted my neck back, closing my eyes tightly as the pain slowly drifted away. He went in and out slowly, and after the pain was completley gone I nodded, allowing him to pick up the pace. He drove his hips out faster and faster, my moans making it seem slow. His thrusts got wetter, inching us both closer.

"[name]." He groaned. I looked into his eyes, we were both almost there. "Be my.. Girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I screamed as I came, and so did he. I felt him inside me still, his head now resting on my neck.

"Fuck. I'm looking forward to more of that." He said as he pulled out, laying next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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