1. Chante Martin/Passion

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Chante Martin is a beautiful 20 year old girl. All of the guys wanted her they always referred to her as "Forbidden Fruit" and they all wanted a bite! She has sex appeal and she flaunts it everywhere she goes. She knows how to sell it without even trying, she has long black curly hair, beautiful caramel skin, seductive, penetrating eyes, and a body to die for! She keeps herself up you know hair, nails, makeup, nice clothes she is that girl. She isn't stuck up or snooty but she definitely is raw and uncut! She's in college, she hopes to become a nurse. She studies and works hard. Now Chante isn't your typical 9 to 5 type of girl, she makes her money another way, exotic dancing.

She hated it, I mean totally despised it but it was easy and quick money. She dances to pay for school. She loves to dance she has been dancing since she was little you know ballet, dance teams, cheerleading she did it all. She is a wonderful dancer. She does really well at the club that she works at it's called "Cherry Bomb". Everybody who was anybody either worked at or went to Cherry Bomb.

Chante would make anywhere from $1500-$2500 a night and she didn't have to do much like the other girls. Guys are so infuated with her, some of them pays her for just simply having a conversation with them. She was very popular and well known. Some of the girls loved her and some envied her.

On the flip side, Chante is a sweet girl, she has a beautiful soul and aura. She is very humble and down to earth. She believes in helping others and is very grateful for what she has. She hopes to fall in love one day, get married and have a few children. She hasn't had a boyfriend in 2 years. Her last boyfriend, Terrance was a asshole. He tried to control her, and he even tried to get her to do awful, disgusting things with men for money but Chante wasn't having it. She has never done that out of her 2 years working at the club and she wasn't about to do it.

She felt like it was bad enough that she was dancing for money so why disrespect herself even more? She is very picky about who she sleeps with. She isn't a whore or a hooker just a dancer. Alot of guys make generous, almost tempting offers to sleep with her but she declines every time.

Chante has no idea that she is about to meet a man who is going to at first irritate the hell out of her then sweep her off her feet and change her life for the better.

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