32. Passion's Past

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Tommy's POV: As I sat there eating dinner, I stared at Chante, what was she hiding? And why would she hide it from me? I'm her husband. Kylie was in her high chair eating rice, actually I think the floor was eating most of it. I had an uneasy feeling.

Me: Chante can you tell me about the past?

Passion: no Tommy I don't wanna talk about it.

She got up from the table and started to do the dishes. I followed her.

Me: why not? I'm your husband I'm not going to judge you.

Passion: Tommy please stop, let it go I'm not talking about it. Can you give a Kylie a bath please?

Me: sure baby.

I grabbed Kylie and took her into the bathroom, I bathed her, then let her play with her toys. I sat there thinking, it must have been something really horrible, I wanted to know but I didn't wanna pressure her into telling me. I grabbed Kylie out the bathtub, put her in her pajamas and read her a story and rocked her to sleep. I put her in her crib and went into the living room looking for Chante. I didn't see her she was outside on the back porch drinking red wine.

Me: Chante are you crazy?

Passion: I can have red wine, it's not going to hurt the baby.

Me: okay fine.

We just sat there in silence.

Passion: I was 16. There was this guy, Antonio he was older. He was 20. He was my first love, he was so dangerous. I really loved him. He was my first everything. I was pregnant by him, the baby didn't make it. I miscarried when I was 3 months. Antonio was a drug dealer, he killed someone, I was with him when it happened. I was so scared, he wanted me to help him get rid of the body but I wouldn't. I jumped out of the car and he shot at me. I ran as fast as I could. He got caught eventually, he tried to pin everything on me even the murder, I was in court in for months. I did 5 months in juvie. I finally beat the case.

Me: wow. Babe I didn't know I'm sorry.

Passion: it's okay you couldn't have known. So I'm not worried about jackie and her little scheme. My lawyer is going to rip her face off.

Me: damn baby, I'm so sorry.

Passion: I've already dealt with this therapy baby. I'm past this. Don't worry.

Me: do you ever miss your baby?

Passion: all the time. I just don't speak about it.

I hugged her.

Me: baby I would never put you in that position. I would never let anything happen to you or our kids you understand me?

She smiled.

Passion: I know that Tommy.

We went back inside, Kylie was awake. We both played with her a while then we all went to bed. I woke up and just stared at them sleep so beautifully, Chante has been through so much, that's why she has a hard time trusting people. I was so mad at Jackie for trying to sue my baby, knowing that she started all of this shit. I decided to call her.

Jackie: hello?

Me: meet me at the coffee shop on 8th 8 am don't be late, and don't act like you don't know who this is.

I hung up.

I went back to sleep.

The next morning I met Jackie at the coffee shop. I was so furious with her, I slammed the paper on the table.

Me: make this go away!

Jackie: and why should I do that? Your little wife attacked me.

I grew angrier.

Me: look you started this shit months ago, I'm sorry it didn't work between us, you betrayed me.

Jackie: and I apologized for it.

Me: Jackie that was 2 years ago, I've moved on and so have you. Why are you doing this?

Jackie: because she stole my life, the life we were supposed to have together.

Me: what fuckin life? I never promised you none of this shit, we weren't this serious and you know that stop being so damn deliousinal Jackie.

Jackie: why her huh?

Me: why not her?

Jackie: why did you choose to marry her, and give her babies?

Me: because I FUCKIN LOVE HER!! she's my wife, my everything. Look I'm leaving I tried talking to you like an adult but you're too fuckin stupid. See you in court!

I got up to leave, she stopped me.

Jackie: wait Tommy

I turned towards her

Jackie: I'll drop the charges, keep your wife away from me.

Me: and you stay away from me!!

Jackie: fine.

I left the coffee shop and went to work.

FIRE, DESIRE, & PAIN : A 21 JUMP STREET LOVE STORY Where stories live. Discover now