Twenty two

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"I want to go back to him and explain that it was a mistake!" I said crying "I can't live without him"

"And you won't! Jack and Julian are there talking to him and everything will be alright I'm sure!" Sasha squeezed my hand "I want you relax"

I felt a pain on my stomach, something like period cramps, fuck I have delay on my period! How could I did not realise that?

I touched myself there because I felt blood and I watched that I had too much blood

"Sasha" I said pointing at my hand with the blood

"Fuck" She murmured "We have go to the hospital"

"Do you think I was pregnant?" I asked in shock

"I don't you have too much blood we have to go there I'll make you a bag for there" Sasha ran upstairs

I have no idea what just happened, it's so much blood there that I'm afraid that I was pregnant and lost the baby with all the stuff since yesterday

Sasha came 5 minutes later holding a travel bag from YSL and wearing her coat

"Your jacket" She passed me the jacket and I wore it "Let's go"

Sasha helped me go until the car and she started driving to the hospital

"My doctor will be there he'll take care of you and Jack will let Carlos know" Sasha nodded "He has to know especially if you were or you are pregnant"

I looked outside of the window, I can't believe that this actually happens and I really want to leave right now

We arrived at the hospital and the nurses took me to a room where the doctor check on me, the room is comfortable with white walls and plants around

"Yeah as I imagined" He sighed "Pregnancy"

"Am I still or?"

"I'm sorry you lost the baby" The doctor answered sad "You have to do something like a surgery to move it"

"Yeah" I nodded "Can you let Sasha know?"

"Sure!" The doctor agreed, he told it to a nurse and she walked out of the room

I got prepared for the surgery and I laid on the bed, the doctor told me that they're gonna drug me so I won't feel any pain

I opened my eyes and I watched Sasha over my head stroking my hand

"Where is Carlos? I want him" I said looking around

"Sh!" Sasha squeezed my hand "He's on his way from Spain don't worry I am here and he'll be here in two hours"

As Sasha said Carlos was there two hours later, he got in the room completely exhausted and with red eyes

"I will be right outside" Sasha walked out of the room and I stayed alone with Carlos

"You can sit next to me" I giggled

"You okay?" Carlos asked and he sat next to me where Sasha was sitting earlier

"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled "I'm sorry for everything"

"No if I would hear you now you wouldn't loose the baby it's all my fault I'm sorry" Carlos hugged me and I squeezed him "I love you so much"

"I love you too and I promise that I won't drink again" As I said that we both laughed, Carlos faced me

The doctor walked in the room

"Miss Figo" The doctor said "U have to tell you something"

"What happened?" I asked as Carlos broke our hug

"Did you go out the past three days?" The doctor  asked

"Yeah on a party with Sasha" I said smiling

"You got poisoned" As the doctor said that I was in shock "With GHB someone wanted to rape you and he probably had sex with you because you would realise it"

"Like in Qatar" Carlos said in shock "It was him"

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