Twenty three

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"And" Carlos gave me a glass of wine "Wine for my beautiful wife to be"

"Thanks" I laughed softly, he sat next to me and I smiled at him "Did you packed your stuff for Jeddah?"

"Yeah! You?"

"Yeah everything's ready" I touched his hand softly "Did you tell your parents about me losing the baby?"

"No I didn't want to, only if you want" Carlos kissed my hair "I can't talk about something like this without having talked to you!"

"I don't want talk to anyone about this! Only you, Sasha, Jack and Julian will keep knowing that I lost the baby" I nodded smiling

Carlos hugged me and locked me into his big muscled arms, I like moments like these, especially when I am with Carlos

We talked for a while about our plans ahead of Jeddah and that we'll go in Mallorca to plan some details for the wedding this summer

Around 6 PM a car came with Carlos and drove us to the airport

"Carlos has to sign the contract with Toto" Carlos said "We have to go in London"

"We'll go in Mallorca for the wedding" Carlos said and he looked at me

"You can guys go to London on Friday that we'll come back from Mallorca" I suggested and they both agreed if Toto will agree as well

We arrived in the airport and we walked immediately in our gate to wait for our flight to Jeddah

"Do you want something to drink guys? I want water" Carlos said and he looked at me "Babe?"

"No I'm fine thanks" I nodded smiling

"Me too" Carlos agreed and my Carlos left and I stayed with his cousin "I'm so happy for your wedding"

"Thank you so much it means a lot since you learned about the plan" I giggled "But now it's a wedding of love"

"I can say that you two made me happy since you both accepted that you have feeling for each other! It's amazing" Carlos said

"I didn't want talk to him because I was afraid to lose him but now I won't" I looked outside of the big windows at the planes

So many famous airlines and that has to be our plane that is from Emirates Airlines, Carlos always books the best flights for us

At 9PM we walked into the plane to the first class with Carlos, we sat next to each other as the checkin was saying

Goodbye Madrid see you soon again

About 8 hours later we arrived in Jeddah! The time here is 6.30 and it's so beautiful!

We took our luggages and a car waiting to drive us to our hotel, I feel completely exhausted and I need to sleep, today is the media day and Carlos will be really exhausted while I will sleeping on the beautiful bed of our hotel room

We checked in in our room and I opened my suitcase to grab my pyjamas to sleep

"I have to by 2PM on the track for the interviews" Carlos laid next to me "I have 5 more hours to sleep"

Carlos kissed my hair and I felt that this was the moment that I fall asleep


I opened my eyes and I was alone on the bed, I checked the time and it was 4Pm, Carlos in on the track and I feel so hungry

I called to the restaurant of the hotel and I ordered Pasta Napolitana and a glass of wine and for desert a piece of chocolate cake with ice cream

I brushed my teeth and I took a quick shower, I changed into comfortable clothes and it the moment that my food arrived, I sat on the big couch in front of the big Television and a chose a movie on Netflix

Wife to be duties!

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