06. | Last Stand

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[Well we're back with another chapter of this story! I'm really enjoying this and I have had a few suggestions for other story ideas to go along with this one. I'll leave a vote down at the bottom of the chapter but thanks for coming back and I hope you enjoy.]







Pure Fear. That's what everybody who witnessed what just happened felt. Hero's, Students, hero students, civilians, law enforcement, criminals, villains, all of them. They stared at their screens as (Y/N) slowly wobbled out of the crater and fell on his knees, with blood dripping from his mouth and his nose.

All Might did more damage than most thought. His last Detroit Smash did in fact land, right on (Y/N)'s liver, and it might have been the strongest one he threw. But (Y/N) was so determined to win his grip didn't waver for even a second.

(Y/N): [Thoughts] "Damn symbol of peace... this really hurts... but who cares! I win! I beat the number one hero, so I'm the best!"

News cameras surrounded (Y/N) as he stood up and rubbed the back of his head, standing in his wobbly legs.

(Y/N): "Well, I'm not one for interviews, but here goes! I-!"

(Y/N) couldn't finish his sentence before he was met with a flying kick from Eraserhead who had wide eyes, clearly blood shot. (Y/N) smiled seeing this, and rubbed his cheek where the kick landed.

(Y/N): "Don't tell me you strained your eyes so much just to try and see if I had a quirk! I told you guys I didn't! Did you think I was lying! Haha!"

Eraserhead just narrowed a glare at (Y/N) and threw his cloth at (Y/N), who grabbed the cloth and yanked Eraserhead towards him before landing a knee to his stomach causing the hero to stumble backwards and falling onto his back. (Y/N) began to approach Eraserhead when all the news reporters quickly ran away from the area confusing (Y/N), when he turned his head and saw the reason why.

Endeavor: "(Y/N)..."

(Y/N): "Dad! Finally gonna speak to me man to man! I did it you know... I finally became the weapon you wanted... I beat All Might did I not!"

Endeavor: "..."

Endeavor looked down and sighed before he looked up to be met with a punch to the stomach from (Y/N), sending him flying back into a wall. Endeavor coughed up blood and was punched across the face again, but he didn't lift a hand.

(Y/N): "Tell me, how's mom? How's Touya? How's the other little shits mom gave birth too! My replacements is what they're called right! Because they have potential! Because they have quirks! I can't wait till they see this live on television!"

The slug began to crawl towards (Y/N) with bruises and blood. (Y/N) picked up the slug and rubbed its head before letting it wrap around his shoulder and taking out a three sectioned staff from its mouth.

(Y/N): "Glad you're safe bud. Now let's put this dirty man to rest. He doesn't deserve my main weapon to kill him."

(Y/N) swung the staff, nicknamed 'Playful Cloud', hitting Endeavor across the face, and knocking him to the ground. Endeavor looked at (Y/N) and tried to stand up but was hit by playful cloud again.

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