Chapter 37: A Letter in the Night: One Year's Reflection

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As the evening cast its shadows over the guild, a palpable sense of defeat and disbelief hung heavy in the air. The Gold-rank teams, typically brimming with confidence and a sense of invincibility, were now visibly shaken. They had always prided themselves on their prowess and success in missions, but the encounter with the infamous shiny Absol had shattered their illusions of invulnerability.

In hushed conversations and worried murmurs, the guild members couldn't help but question why the criminal hadn't taken advantage of their vulnerability to finish them off entirely. Guildmaster Altaria, usually a beacon of intimidation and authority, found himself grappling with doubts and disbelief. How could a single adversary, no matter how formidable, outmatch the combined strength and skill of the entire guild?

The defeat had left everyone with a bitter taste of reality. It forced them to reconsider the warnings and accounts from the authorities from all over the world, who had faced this enigmatic criminal before. The idea of someone so powerful that they seemed to defy all conventional understanding of strength and strategy was unsettling, to say the least.

As the night wore on, majority of the guild members retreated to their quarters, their thoughts consumed by the looming threat and the grim reality of their recent defeat.

As Team Light sat together on Lust Beach, grappling with their recent defeat and the looming threat of the criminal, Alex joined them, his demeanor being that of a somber expression. The rift between him and Elton had deepened, leaving a palpable tension in the air.

Metagross, always analytical, broke the silence. "It seems that wherever you go, something interesting is bound to happen," it remarked, trying to lighten the mood.

Greninja, usually reserved, spoke up next, his voice tinged with doubt. "Do you truly believe your fever dream is coming true?" he asked Alex.

Alex sighed, feeling the weight of his convictions. "I know it sounds bizarre and nonsensical, but then again, so does my existence here," he admitted, reflecting on his own surreal circumstances.

Florges, recalling an old tale, chimed in with her own anecdote. "My grandma once spoke of a Cyndaquil who claimed to be a human pulled into this world. No one believed her at the time," she shared, adding another layer of intrigue to the conversation.

Alex nodded thoughtfully. "Everyone will see soon enough. Darkrai is real, and it's plotting as we speak," he warned, his voice filled with a mix of determination and concern. The gravity of their situation hung heavy in the air, and Team Light knew that they needed to find a way to confront this danger before it was too late.

Metagross nodded, acknowledging Alex's explanation about his rift with Elton caused by the Dimensional Dreams. "I can understand how such visions could strain a friendship," Metagross commented, its metallic body exuding a sense of understanding.

Metagross then told Alex about tomorrow marking Alex's first year in the mystical world which only deepened Alex's melancholy. As he sat in silence, thoughts swirled in his mind, reminding him of everything and everyone he had grown to love during his time here.

He recalled the friendships he had forged, the adventures they had embarked on, and the challenges they had overcome together. Each memory carried a weight of nostalgia and longing, reminding Alex of the bonds he had formed and the sense of belonging he had found in this unfamiliar place.

Florges, sensing the need to shift the conversation to a lighter topic, brought up Miss Vexus and the unresolved poem. "How about Miss Vexus? Still struggling with that poem?" she asked, attempting to offer a distraction.

Alex's response was tinged with defeat. "I don't know what to write. I'm not a poet, and I've already given up," he confessed, his shoulders slumping with resignation.

Florges, surprised by Alex's surrender, urged him not to give up so easily. "You can't throw in the towel just like that," she insisted, her tone filled with encouragement.

Alex sighed deeply, expressing his inner turmoil. "I don't even understand her poems. I'm a mess mentally, and what's the point?" he lamented, feeling overwhelmed.

Before Florges could respond, Greninja, who had been silent until then, interjected with unexpected advice. "Alex, poetry isn't the only way to express yourself. How about writing a plain and simple letter? Tell her your worries, what troubles you, and what you want to convey. Keeping things bottled up isn't healthy," Greninja suggested, surprising Alex with his insight.

Alex pondered Greninja's words, realizing that perhaps a simple letter would be more genuine and effective than struggling with poetry.


As the night wore on and exhaustion settled into his bones, Alex found himself immersed in crafting the letter. Greninja's suggestion had proven invaluable, offering a simpler yet profound way to express his emotions.

However, the process wasn't without its challenges. Bloodshot eyes and crumpled papers scattered around him were evidence of the mental and emotional struggle he endured to capture his thoughts accurately.

Finally, as the clock ticked past 4 in the morning, Alex completed the letter. It was a raw and heartfelt piece, filled with his deepest worries, troubles, and genuine feelings for Andrea.

Realizing that he couldn't send the letter through postal service today, Alex lamented the timing, knowing that the day ahead held ominous events. "Looks like I'll have to ask Team Light to deliver this," he muttered through tears, the weight of his emotions palpable.

However, before he could dwell further, Elton's irritated voice interrupted his thoughts. "Shut up! Don't be such a loser and let me sleep!" Elton's outburst echoed through the room, a stark contrast to Alex's emotional turmoil.

With a heavy heart, Alex prepared himself for the impending events of the day, knowing that his emotions and fears were intertwined with the looming doomsday.

Alex whispered to himself, "Happy anniversary of me being here in this mystical world." His gaze lingered on the desk, where the letter for Andrea lay neatly folded, waiting to be delivered. The weight of the day bore down on him, each passing moment a reminder of the impending events and the uncertainty that clouded his thoughts.

As he reflected on his time in this unfamiliar realm, a wave of melancholy washed over him. The anniversary, meant to be a celebration, now felt like a solemn reminder of everything he had gained and everything he would lose.

The room seemed quieter than usual, the stillness amplifying his inner turmoil. Memories of his journey, the friendships forged, and the challenges faced flooded his mind, each memory tinged with a bittersweet longing.

Alex couldn't help but wonder if he would ever return to his world, to the familiar comforts and the people he held dear. The uncertainty of his future, coupled with the weight of the day, left him with a profound sense of sadness and yearning for the life he once knew.

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